Less strict, more comfortable: how the work clothing has transformed with the coronavirus

Costumes and tailors stored on the cupboard, jogging or even pajamas at any time: professional outfit should come out less strict and more comfortable from the coronavirus pandemic.

Since March 2020, "everyone dresses from the waist, for zoom meetings", quips the Sascha Lilic stylist.Below?"We put a nice shorts.And among those who have returned to their workplace, many notice an ambient care."I saw someone cross the office in socks to go to another service," recalls Deanna Narveson, journalist in Louisiana.

Pentagon shorts and t-shirts

According to people surveyed in several companies, everything has been done in the unsaid, without any departments and HRD intervening."Shorts and t-shirts in the Pentagon, it's quite new," says Matt Triner, boss of the computer consulting company Hunter Strategy, US government provider on several projects.

The relaxation of dress codes in the professional world was already at work long before the pandemic, led by the tech sector and the start-up generation.The wind even was even blowing into the bank, where Goldman Sachs had adopted, almost two years ago, a "flexible" dress code, encouraging its employees to "trust their own judgment what is appropriate to payfor their working day, »explains a spokesperson.

Moins stricte, plus confortable : comment la tenue de travail s’est transformée avec le coronavirus

But everything has accelerated."Costumes and ties were already starting to disappear in tech," explains Matt Triner."The pandemic gave an excuse to the last survivors to let go.»»

"Change in the air"»

Spécialisé dans le prêt-à-porter masculin de luxe, le designer new-yorkais David Hart a «mis en retrait»» le costume «pour l’instant»», et s’est “concentré davantage sur les tricots», pulls ou polos en maille.

Beyond the pandemic, "there will be change in the air", plans Sascha Lilic, for the man in particular.“The outfit will become more relaxed.(...) The whole will be much more focused on comfort.»

The turn is already visible in fashion brands, where we grow more and more conspicuous cotton or linen jackets, polo shirts, even sober sneakers.

De retour sur le lieu de travail, les salariés vont “tenter des looks qui soulignent davantage leur personnalité, sans pour autant rompre totalement avec le langage du vêtement, avec son côté professionnel», anticipe Sascha Lilic."I don't think we will land in the offices of a bank dressed as a rapper.»

Pour David Hart, l’après-pandémie va correspondre à »»un désir fort de s’habiller bien de nouveau«.With the rise of male fashion, which was already underway before the arrival of the coronavirus, "people will start to dress for themselves, and not because that's what we expect tothem at work.»