Miss France 2022: Miss Auvergne's latest confidences before the election

Saturday, December 11, the Miss France election will take place from the Zenith of Caen.Anaïs Werestchack, Miss Auvergne, is one of the 29 contenders.She also puts on her CV to seduce the public and the jurors.

The big day is approaching.Saturday, December 11, we will know the name of Miss France 2022.The election takes place from the Zenith of Caen.Who will succeed Amandine Petit?The public and the jurors will have to make their choice among 29 contenders.Among them, Anaïs Werestchack, Miss Auvergne, is determined to win the title of the most beautiful woman in France.A few days before the competition, she found the time to answer our questions, between two rehearsals.The 24 -year -old explains her state of mind: "I feel pretty good, I can't wait to be on the evening of the bonus, to be able to enjoy and above all highlight all our work.It's been for almost two weeks that we have been working on rehearsals, that we chain from morning to evening the choreographies.We can't wait to see the final, paintings, sets, our costumes.There, we are in rehearsal in sports clothes ”.

A memorable trip

Anaïs retains above all a superb trip to Reunion Island: "With the other 28 candidates, I went to Reunion.It was an exceptional trip.I had never been there.I had never stopped so long, for 12 hours.We received a warm welcome from Reunionese.We did a lot of activities, we saw the Piton de la Fournaise, and with our volcanoes in Auvergne, I was rather in my element.We jogged, video shoots.In restaurants, we tasted Reunion gastronomy.We took advantage of girls, we woven links, we got to know each other.We have a fairly incredible promotion, we are very united, there is a real team spirit.As soon as a girl has a little soft, we are immediately there behind to encourage her ".

Assets to highlight

To win the coveted title, the young woman puts on some assets.She wants to highlight that she is a well -made head, because internal in medicine: "I will count on my naturalness and my studies.In view of the current health situation, I think that as a young graduate doctor, I may more manage to reach people than others.I hope.I plan to stay myself, simple, natural and authentic.I hope I will seduce the French and the French ".

"I think I am the first to reach such a high level of studies"

Miss Auvergne is aware that her CV is an asset for the election: "I think I am the first to reach such a high level of studies.I am quite proud because it was not always easy.I have devoted all of my last 7 years to my studies and there I come back in 8th year of medicine.It makes a good parenthesis and it changes everyday life.Usually I am more in jeans sneakers in the office with my patients.There, it is stack heels, parade, smile but it is really nice and I feel very lucky to be able to live an adventure like this ".

"We have an incredible region and I would really like to highlight it"

Miss France 2022 : les dernières confidences de Miss Auvergne avant l’élection

Anaïs knows that the task is tough.Statistics do not play in its favor: "The Auvergne region has not qualified in the top 15 since 2013.The Auvergne have not had the chance to be able to support their miss so far.I hope to appear in the top 15 and give the best of myself.Wednesday we have the day of pre-selection to find out who will be the 15 finalists.If I am in the 15, I hope that the Auvergne will mobilize to help me win this crown which has never returned to the region.I hope to be able to make them proud.We have an incredible region and I would really like to highlight it ".

Messages to convey

To detractors who say that the competition is cheesy and that it does not highlight the image of the woman, this is what she answers: "You have to look beyond the simple beauty contest.Miss France is above all a personalities competition.We are very very different young women, with important values that animate us.This is an opportunity to send messages to.We often think of the beauty competition that will last an evening but Miss France is a whole year when the Miss will go to different regions of France, meet people, commit to important causes ".

Talk about health

Anaïs intends to take advantage of a possible speech, during the election of Saturday: "I want to say that the current health situation reminds us that we must take advantage of every moment, because we do not know whattomorrow will be done.I'm here because I want to put some glitter in my life.If I am elected and that I am given this chance, I will use my voice to talk about health and in particular to talk about regular screening for breast cancer or colorectal cancer, the problems that I see daily in my office.I think there is no good or bad time to talk about it.I would be delighted to bring a different touch, to talk about health, to educate people ".

A persistent miss

The young woman is aware of having had a complicated journey before arriving at the Miss France competition.She admits: "I still have trouble achieving.Sometimes when I see myself with the Auvergne scarf, I tell myself that I managed to do it, when it was not won.Perseverance always ends up paying.I presented myself in Miss Auvergne for the first time in 2016, because I was spotted to participate in the election.I knew nothing about the fashion world, miss, I didn't know how to walk with heels.It was not innate but I worked and I liked it right away.Five years later, I managed to cling the scarf.For this contest I say to myself: why not me?»».Small novelty of this edition: like all the other regional miss, the Auvergne candidate has signed an employment contract: "This contract makes it possible to supervise our schedules and our work days.We had a medical visit, an interview.Everything is in the rules ".

Think about

She has already thought of everything in the event of a defeat or victory on Saturday: "I will not return to the cabinet on Monday but at the end of the month, I return to the hospital in endocrinology, to continue the rest of my boarding school, if everI am not elected.If I was, I will put my studies on a stand-by for a year and I will find just after, because I have two years left ”.Anaïs admits to having been inspired by a particular Miss France: "Marine Lorphelin was elected Miss France when she was only in the second year of medicine.She had the courage to resume after her year of Miss France and to go to the end of her studies.She conducted her medical studies and her influencer side head -on.She conveys health messages.She has beautiful values.It is simple and accessible: I would love to meet her ”.

"If I win, I will think of my mom"

In the event of a victory, she immediately knows who will go her first thoughts: "If I win, I will think of my mom, who has supported me from the start.She is an incredible, extremely generous woman and she has always been there for her children ".Saturday, December 11, the jury for the competition will be chaired by Jean-Pierre Pernaut.Anaïs Werestchack hopes to do better than Clémence Oleksy, former Miss Auvergne, who had finished 2nd Dauphine of Miss France 2011.