Mother's Day: Quebec stars pay tribute to their mothers and children

From new mums to longtime mums, through future mums, loving mums and deceased mums, today was the opportunity to celebrate the creators of life that are our wonderful mothers, without whom we would not would be literally nothing!

Quebec stars, celebrating Mother's Day for the most part away from their mothers this year for reasons that we know, wanted to highlight different (but each as beautiful as the other) ways this day more than important and significant, both for the children and their mothers.

Julie Snyder

Celine Dion (who sent a wonderful message to her mother who died last January)

The District 31 team (who recently paid tribute to frontline responders, in addition to cheering up their loyal fans in these times of crisis in song)

Mariana Mazza

Rosalie Bonenfant

Fête des Mères: Les vedettes québécoises rendent hommage à leurs mamans et leurs enfants

Justin Trudeau

Sophie Gregoire Trudeau

Francois Legault

Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse

Martin Vachon (who has just lost his mother)

Guy A.Lepage

Geneviève Tardif (now mum!)

Julie du Page

Ingrid Cliff

Marie-Eve January

Jean-Francois Breau

Etienne Boulay

Emily Begin

Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge

Mirianne Brule

Jerome Couture

Frederique Dufort

Gino Chouinard

Alicia Moffet

Florence K.

Pirate's heart

Charlotte Legault

Jean-Thomas Jobin

Julie Belanger

Marie-Soleil Dion

Louis-Olivier Mauffette

Sebastien Benoit

Genevieve Everell

Julie St-Pierre

Noemie Dufresne

Katherine Levac

Charles Hamelin

Guylaine Guay

Josee Lavigueur

Véronic DiCaire (who was all in style on Saturday evening at Live from the universe)

Anik Jean

Valerie Roberts

Amélie B. Simard

Sebastien Diaz

Sophie Nelisse

Karine Vanasse

Meggie Lagace

Valerie Taillefer

Felix-Antoine Tremblay

Arnaud Soly

Kiari Gerba

Jennifer Nogue

Guillaume Pineault

Caroline Neron

Julie-Anne Ho


Claudie Mercier

Travis Cormier

Kevin Bazinet (who is newly engaged!)

Nicolas Duvernois (who will soon be a dad for the third time)

France Love

Nathalie Simard

Marina Orsini

Luc Langevin

Jacynthe Rene

jessica barker

Bee Gelinas

Mitsou Gelinas

Sally Folk

Saskia Thuot

Veronique Bannon

Rachid Badouri

Jay Walker

Etienne Flag

Marc Dupre

Patricia Paquin

Louis-Francois Marcotte

Virginia Coossa

Alexandra Cosentino

Phil Roy

Andree Watters

Kim Levesque-Lizotte

Claudine Prévost (new mother of a second little man!)

Mariloup Wolfe

Beth Cossette

Jonathan Roberge

Happy Mother's Day everyone!