Nantes: With her view of the Sèvre, a new summer taver

Par Julien SureauPublié le
Actu Nantes
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Encore une nouvelle guinguette à Nantes (Loire-Atlantique) ! Depuis le début du mois de juin 2021, la « Cambuse»» s’est installée sur la berge Sellier-Goudy, située en bord de Sèvre nantaise. Jusqu’à la fin du mois de septembre, elle proposera du mardi au dimanche, de 10h à 23h, une offre de boissons et de petite restauration.Nantes : avec sa vue sur la Sèvre, une nouvelle guinguette estivale vient d'ouvrir Nantes : avec sa vue sur la Sèvre, une nouvelle guinguette estivale vient d'ouvrir

A summer animation program for adults and children, with shows and participatory workshops on cultural and environmental themes, is being developed.Concerts, once or twice a week, and creative markets in July and August are also planned.

Ambiance « un peu roots»»

The exploitation of La Guinguette was entrusted to professionals in the sector, including Carole Sauzé, former manager of Café Monsoleil, Chaussée de la Madeleine.With her colleagues Laurent, Stéphanie and André, she wishes to give the "Cambuse" a "a little rooted" atmosphere, where we eat and quench your thirst without pressure.A tavern where "people want to find themselves relaxed and relaxed", confirms Marie Trehin to dream Sèvre.

Nantes : avec sa vue sur la Sèvre, une nouvelle guinguette estivale vient d'ouvrir

Every noon, the brewery will offer a dish of the day at 10 euros, developed with local and artisanal products."We will favor short circuits," says Carole, in charge of the technical part of La Guinguette, listing the partnerships already set up: daily wine cellar, head -up and Mélusine brasseries ...

By the official inauguration scheduled for this Saturday, June 12, a barrier must be installed as part of the health protocol.At first, up to a hundred people can be welcomed (seated and in groups of six people) simultaneously.

There is no doubt that the place, quiet and shaded (with children's games), should seduce the inhabitants of the neighborhood."This season is a test," says Marie Trehin, with the aim of making this site a sustainable place of animation.»»

A permanent structure could also see the light of day in 2022.

Infos pratiques : Bar-restaurant La Cambuse, berge Sellier Goudy, près de l’arrêt de tramway PirmilInauguration samedi 12 juin. Ouvert du mardi au dimanche, de 10h à 23h. Renseignements sur Facebook.

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