Summer novel: "Michael Jordan, The Life" (6) |NBA |Basketball USA

The NBA season is over, we will have to hunt boredom and find something to take care of the beach this summer.Basket USA has thought of you!Like last year, we offer you a kind of summer novel, long extracts From a 100% American basketball book.

After "a coach, eleven NBA titles" by Phil Jackson, we offer you the second work dedicated to the orange ball published by Talent Sport: "Michael Jordan, The Life" by Roland Lazenby, a book of more than 700 pages that traces allThe career of "His Majesty".

We passed the first chapters-which evoke the ancestors, the childhood and the university career of Mike-to attack his first year on the pros parquet, in 1984-85.

The summer novel is one episode per week until September.Good reading !

First part

Second part

Third part

Fourth part

Fifth part

Chapter 17: The young prisoner

Dean Smith had suggested that Jordan undergo communication training in North Carolina to help him prepare for interviews and the appearances he would have to do in public.He committed certain awkwardness and experienced certain moments of hesitation in his beginnings in the NBA but it was to be expected.He stood alone, with ease, and had excellent relations with the media throughout his career, even when the journalists annoyed him.Overnight, local television channels and radio stations that once showed little interest in Bulls began to want to cover the new star of the city."He spoke extremely well and he was very photogenic," said Jeff Davis, a former sports chain producer in Chicago.Jordan quickly covered himself with glory.This phenomenon accentuated with the advertisements of Nike and the photos which, in turn, created a momentum important enough to generate a real craze.

Tim Hallam, the man in charge of public relations among the Bulls, observed Jordan when he became a public figure with extraordinary composure.Julius Erving had brought grace to the role of professional basketball superstar.Michael, who admired "Dr J", imitated him even in his relations with the media.Deloris Jordan watched the slightest gestures of his son and told him when something was wrong.It was not superfluous.His listening capacity allowed him to understand the questions of journalists and to systematically formulate appropriate answers.

"I think he has evolved on all Fronts," said Hallam.Review his first interviews, he was not as eloquent as four, eight, or even twelve years later.You know, everything has changed in him, including the clothes he was wearing.It's funny to go back to your first year, to watch your way of dressing and to advance four years later.He has passed supervisory pants with brand costumes.»»

At the top of his ivory tower

If they had something positive and profitable, the spotlights accelerated the alienation of the character Jordan.Hallam began to notice this process in February of that year.It was due, in part, to its fame, which had quickly extended, and to the humiliation felt during the All-Star Game of Indianapolis.Sonny Vaccaro flew to Chicago to meet him immediately after.He wanted to explain the reaction of the biggest stars in the league."After the All-Star Game, no one at Nike knew what to do," said Vaccaro.Michael and I discussed.I said to him, "It shows you how far they will go.Because you are better than all, Michael.”»»

This speech was not of great help to alleviate the disappointment of the rookie.Magic Johnson had been his idol.As he told journalists, this incident made him want to crawl in a hole and hide there.Reluctant to be in public, apart From the matches and scheduled outings, Michael was already becoming a prisoner of his hotel room.He only came out of this isolation for a few occasions, remembered Tim Hallam."It was a bit like saying:" Wow, Michael came out! "You were happy for him.It was a bit like a lion coming out of his cage and was walking Freely inside the zoo for a while.»»

Beyond the apparent rejection of the stars of the league, the pressure of such sudden glory was overwhelming, as well as a large part of the new life of Jordan which went with.At that time, the teams still borrowed commercial flights, which meant that life on the road began early in the morning, with an alarm clock at 5 a.m. and an immediate exhibition to the public, which recognized it with each turn.People were simply forced to approach the new world sports magician and generally, it was not long in assaulted, explained Hallam."I would even say that it was enough for him to shout‘ ‘go to the devil!’ ’And do what he really wanted.But we then discovered, seeing him go out like that, that he couldn't.People - whether adults or children - were so gagas that they could not hold back to solicit him.They lost their heads.It was like that for him.»»

Faced with this situation, Michael sought a place to take refuge."He was talking about going to the movies," said Joe O’Neil.You enter to sit in a room.There you are like everyone else.Apart From that, wherever you go - restaurants, shopping centers, petrol stations - people will jump on you.»»

« Plus grand que la vie elle-même»»

Nike and the NBA itself ended up being responsible, in part, for the sacrifice of Jordan's privacy, as George Gervin pointed out who became his teammate in 1985."This is where everything has changed.They made him a person larger than life herself.It was a hard blow for Michael.They made him the most famous guy who has ever played.But it's a difficult life.You must have a bodyguard near you permanently, wherever you go.You cannot eat, you cannot sit on your own at a table.He had the lifestyle of Michael Jackson.It's a difficult life.This can lead you to early death.And the rules of the game changed.The ESPN chain and the cable arrived.Michael had to is really isolate because he was the subject of all the attention, From Nike and all the others.It was difficult for him to be just an ordinary guy.We steal your life.»»

"Trying to deal with the public has become too hard to manage," added Tim Hallam.I think the change was at the level of what was asked.It was something incredible.And you should not forget it: the requirements were already incredible at the level of the Bulls, not to mention its own contracts, its advertisements, Nike and life in general.Everything was chaotic, especially at that time, in the NBA.»»

Bruce Levine, a radio reporter to Chicago for a long time, realized that Jordan had come to feel transformed into an object, "a bit like a very beautiful woman who cannot be done at the idea that people only watch herexternal appearance.People are absorbed by what it shows, by its physique.Michael knew that people considered him as an object and not as a person.»»

"There has been a lot of things for him," said Hallam.I don't think that has really changed his personality but it made him a different man because he had to be different.You can't please everyone.You can try for a while but you learn, you know."I can't do that, it's not worth it that I try and I do it.And so, some things will go through the hatch.Some people will think that it is because I have a huge ego, that I caught the big head, that I have money or that I am famous."It was not at all the case.There are only 24 hours in a day.I think that was what hurt me the most for him, and no one could control him.And yet he continued to go out and do what he was supposed to do.»»

Roman de l’été : « Michael Jordan, The Life » (6) | NBA | Basket USA

Taken in the turmoil

Curiously, Jordan experienced a certain relief From the regular journalists who covered the team, people who had managed to trust enough to chat with them before the matches.He also continued to find support From his family, his mother and his brothers, who regularly came to visit him in Chicago to stay with him.His father James also came but that generated problems because of the arguments with Deloris.

The people who were involved with Jordan and the team in Chicago began to notice that his parents were rarely together.Sonny Vaccaro reported that after the first meetings, he had almost never been in contact with James and Deloris Jordan at the same time."At the beginning, everything was normal during the trips," he remembered.They were together.The first time, we had a meeting together.And then the next time or that after, the games were made.I can't really say that I can remember more than one word with the couple after that.»»

The people of the Nike team felt a certain relief.They could always count on Deloris, who was professional."You trusted Deloris Jordan," explains Vaccaro.She was an impeccably dressed woman, very educated, while in a way, James was a bit vulgar.»» Étant sous contrat avec son fils, les responsables de Nike se sont bientôt retrouvés à gérer les affaires avec le père, ce qui n’a pas plu à Vaccaro.James Jordan was known for his penchant for alcohol, he explained, and time was going to show that he was not reliable in business, being as Fragile as Deloris was solid.

Sis, Michael's older sister, pointed out that their parents found themselves in a battle to influence their son.His father was calm and reserved while his mother moved under the spotlight."If the sudden popularity of Michael has created resounding success, she also led to an avalanche of differences between my parents.»»

The life of James Jordan, the father, was far From perfect

Like marital conflicts that occurred ten years earlier, this new fight could burst with surprising intensity out of sight."Michael was divided between his parents From the first day," explained Sonny Vaccaro.Not in the eyes of the public.But there was this disdainful relationship.»»

Most of the time, parents had divergent views of what Michael had to be and how he should behave.Michael loved her parents.He felt loyalty for each of them and managed a little, during his first years, to prevent their conflict From taking dangerous proportions.But as his career progressed, it became harder and harder, said Vaccaro.An opinion shared by the older girl of the family.

During the first season of his son in Chicago, James Jordan's own life was far From perfect.The father faced the humiliation of criminal charges in North Carolina.And Sis had informed her parents that she was studying the possibility of launching legal action against them in relation to his allegations.She had registered herself to follow a psychiatric treatment in a Wilmington hospital.In these difficult circumstances, it is not surprising that James found an easy escape in the fantasy life of his son.

Bulls employees and admirers, in the same way, noticed the proximity between the father and the son.James Jordan was kind and discreet appearance.The media and staff of the Chicago Franchise appreciated its constant bonhomie.Like when Michael was in high school, James had been clear that he was not there to get involved in the team of the team.He was only there to help his son adapt outside the field.

« Michael l’adorait»», témoigna Johnny Back, ancien entraîneur adjoint des Bulls, en 2012."They were like Friends," explained Tim Hallam about Jordan and his father.I thought it was nice.Michael was still with him.He was still hanged From him.I thought it was good for Michael.»»

However, in many ways, the company of James has only intensified the tension with Deloris.Both wanted to influence Michael.Not everyone has seen or felt this conflict.Joe O’Neil remembered the time spent with the Jordan when the Bulls were on the road."I was in the hall of hotels with James and Deloris.They had an attitude that seemed to say: “We will get there one day.You know we will do it."They were always very positive and great support.Mike's father was a really funny guy, joker.Deloris was like all mothers.She took care of Michael as any mother takes care of her child.You can't imagine how sweet and pleasant it was.She never boasted by saying "My son is a superstar" or a thing like this.Michael's parents were protective and very proud of him.Like all parents.»»

Group era

Other people have settled in the life of the young Jordan, starting with Howard White, the director of Nike.A former basketball player From the University of Maryland who was also AFrican-American."Howard was like her guy," explains Vaccaro.He was a good guy.Howard was his companion on the road.»»

Michael's entourage expanded From there, explains Vaccaro."It was then that he received the support of the North Carolina group.Rod Higgins remained close.Michael began to train his own group.It all started to take shape.»» C’était un groupe qui tournait avec la mission, identifiée, de tenir compagnie à Jordan sur les routes lorsque sa chambre d’hôtel commençait à ressembler à une prison.On the program: card games, golf, cocktails, swimming pools.Everything you needed to lighten the atmosphere.This group welcomed an old Friend and teammate, Adolph Shiver, and the three Fred: Fred Whitfield, who must soon have work with Nike and David Falk, Fred Glover, a sinister expert who had met Whitfield and Jordan at the basketball campBuies Creek, and Fred Kearns, a funeral entrepreneur From Charlotte, who had often played golf with Michael.

During this first season, James Jordan was Frightened by receiving a big bill for the expenses that the entourage of Michael had accumulated during an extended trip on the roads."I first thought it was waste of money, until I thought about the question a little more," said the father at that time.And then it came to my mind that it was in the interest of Michael to keep around him close Friends, rather than foreigners.The company of these types was good for Michael.»»

Without distributed, you are dead!

Among the other regulars of the early days, there was Buzz Peterson and Gus Lett, a former security guard at Chicago Stadium who assumed some of these functions for Jordan.But it was George Koehler, Michael's driver, an improvised valet, who turned out to be particularly constant and reliable over the years, explained Joe O’Neil."George was the perfect stamp for Michael.With a guy like Michael, you almost always need someone.To manage interference.To have another look.George was a chic guy.He was From Chicago.His relationship with Michael was very, very special.There were not many people around Michael.His closest Friends were the regular guy type.There was Rod Higgins, Adolph Shiver and the three Fred.»»

Les personnes qui se trouvaient dans l’entourage de Michael ont vite pris l’habitude de l’appeler « Chat noir»», peut-être parce qu’il pouvait bondir aussi vite dans un environnement social que dans n’importe quel match.Jordan seemed to be moved by the need to challenge all those around him.At all levels.His verbal stratagem was brought to a level that seemed worthy of everything he did on the field."With his Friends and the people who are close to him, Jordan sees something, teasing and making them crack," explained Rod Higgins.To deal with him, you must go straight to him to prevent the night From becoming too long.»»

Michael seemed to appreciate the joke as much as he liked a good one-contained one.He tackled it with the same mentality."This is the kind of type you should be able to cope with," said Tim Hallam.You must be able to collect his blows, his spikes and to recover immediately.Otherwise, you are a dead man.The best way to look for him is to go back to him and make people around laugh.There he retreats a little.Because you let him know that he was also dying.»»

As Hallam explained, Jordan believed that his team would win his 82 matches every season.He had similar expectations in his social life, which did not make it easy to be near him. « Si vous faites une erreur, il vous le fera savoir»», observa Buzz Peterson.Hallam added: "It's a bit like you need to compete with him on anything.Either you are dismissed, or you are not someone fun to face.»»

Coldness attenuated by a childish character

Sometimes his companions had to be careful not to oppose Jordan too much."He hates being embarrassed," said Whitfield, laughing.He can't stand, even if he always has the last word.»»

"If you tease you, you are entitled to the fly, added Hallam."He likes to resume flight.But you have to do it correctly.You cannot do shit, it must be well done.Are you going to yell at yourself?Nope.He will say something like: “You know, I could get fired.”I will answer:“ Don't make me favor. Tu crois que ça me plaît, cette merde ?”»»

This coldness was attenuated by the childish character that George Koehler had observed at the beginning.Jordan sometimes displayed a vulnerability that contrasts with the ferocity of the competitor.At the start of his new life in Chicago, he showed a large part of the complexity which would later define his personality.To start, he was fighting against intense and complicated emotions related to his family.

Michael appreciated confidence and when he found her, he was capable of almost astounding loyalty. « Dès que vous êtes ami avec lui, il fait vraiment tout pour conserver cette amitié et l’entretenir»», expliqua Rod Higgins.Conversely, if this confidence was deceived or if he felt an afFront, his answer could be just as intense.A factor he learned to channel in his competitive spirit.

The most important thing, perhaps, in the eyes of all his Friends, the one who made them go back and forth at their own costs to go out with him, it was his rare loyalty.Jordan could communicate with them all to tell them how much they cared about them."What people do not understand," says Charles Oakley, a former teammate and longtime Friend, is that Michael is really a good guy.»»

And without a doubt, there was pure joy and the fascination to be an initiate in the sublime world of Michael Jordan.The sight of these heights was intoxicating for those around him.He was the Elvis Presley of basketball."He created this mythology for all of us," explained Vaccaro.Whether it is Nike, me, his Friends, whatever the person who was with him, the small group of types who were with him, those who knew ups and downs with him, they werehis Friends.They were the only ones he could trust for eight or nine years.»»

They therefore made themselves useful as a love and more.For example, Adolph Shiver, the oldest Friend of Jordan, fulfilled the role of director in Grande Gueule and Barman for meetings.Above all, Shiver brought the group the feeling of being at home, with a sixth sense for the festive atmosphere and a humor on the limits of Jordan."This boy does not know how to prepare the drinks," said Shiver once talking about Michael.He only mixes shit.»»

"What is certain," said George Mumford, the former Bulls psychologist, is that if he had not created this cocoon, he would probably not have won six NBA titles.»»

The meeting with Juanita Vanoy

The arrival of Juanita Vanoy, whom Michael met in December, in his first season, was by far the most important element of his private life.They were presented to each other by a Friend who organized a meeting at Bennigan’s, in Chicago.A few weeks later, the Friend in question programmed a little evening to give them a new chance to spend time together.Vanoy was a beauty.It was said that she had been one of the youth love of Reggie Theus.She was almost 4 years older than Jordan.He found this immediately attractive.Michael was faced with the challenge of raising his own level of maturity.He could chat with her as he could do with his mother.

This ability to discuss gave birth to something magic and they started spending more time together. Comme l’expliquait Lacy Banks du « Chicago Sun-Times»», l’existence de Jordan était rapidement devenue celle d’un jeune prince.The fact that Vanoy has already been in contact with a chicago player who was successful with the ladies probably helped.According to everyone, she was elegant, intelligent and patient.She was sure of herself and not very demanding, two critical points to manage a relationship with Jordan. « Pam, ma femme, et moi trouvions Juanita charmante»», expliqua Sonny Vaccaro.An assessment shared by Richard Esquinas, Jordan Golf Partner.

"I had known Juanita since the first day," said Joe O’Neil.He was someone good.I grew up in South Side, like her.For whatever reason, she has never changed.She was the same Juanita that I had always known.»»

However, Jordan's parents did not approve him.They tried to fight his influence, according to Sonny Vaccaro, which can partly explain the chaotic nature of their relationship during the first years of Jordan in Chicago.

Golf, a breath of Fresh air

To tell the truth, nothing and no one was likely to divert Michael From the competition.This occupied a good part of his days.Its main activities were basketball and golf, even if it was not always in this order.Fortunately, his dose required nothing to develop.At first, when Jordan thought about what he could do in Chicago, he often went to the Bulls offices where Hallam, O’Neil and himself had installed their own miniature golf course.

"We were playing mini-golf, remembered Joe O’Neil.We had set up a small 18 -hole golf course in the office and we were doing bets.We went around the office by putting the golf balls in garbage cans.And this guy was as good when he played mini-golf in the office as he was on the ground.He was betting 20 dollars and it was like $ 400.I still remember having given him $ 20 in the office.My wife was screaming on me because I was betting with him.»»

When the weather was nice, they took the mini-golf outside."We were playing on public golf courses.We played the Medinah Country Club.Michael was about as good as me at the time.And then he started playing about 150 games per year and he became a very good player.But when Tim and I started playing golf with him, Michael was doing his debut.He could hit the ball but you never knew where she was going to leave.»»

Jordan often evoked the loneliness of the course, which he appreciated.However, his exuberance did not make him really peaceful."He never was silent," added O’Neil, laughing.He spoke when we swept the club, he was still talking when we placed ourselves.He could be a great commentator on TV if he wanted.He could simply comment mentally, whether you are playing in the office or outside on the course.Or in full part of billiards.He was still pursuing you.»» Pendant quelques courtes heures, il pouvait être Mike Jordan, un type normal."This is why golf has become so important to him," explained O’Neil.This allowed him to isolate himself From others.He said that the golf course and the cinema were the two places where it could be far From the others, where it could go like anyone.»»

Au printemps de l’année 1985, Jeff Davis produisit un spectacle régional de golf qui mettait en scène des célébrités en train de jouer une partie avec Ken « The Hawk»» Harrelson, journaliste de baseball à la radio.At the end of the season, Davis contacted Jordan to offer him to appear in the show.Michael jumped at the opportunity. « Il est venu et il était le plus heureux des hommes»», se souvint Davis.

On the route, Jordan asked to redo three tests."He was not happy with his performance," said Davis with a little laughter.There was no money at stake.It was a question of pride.He wanted to beat Harrelson, who was an excellent golf player.He couldn't go further but he looked good.He had a nice swing for a type of size.Golf is not a sport made for big men but Jordan was determined and ready to do anything to succeed.»»

That day, scenes were filmed on a course in the northern suburbs of Chicago.After the shooting, the team puts everything away in their van and left in town."It was about an hour From the city center, remembered Davis.We went down by express Edens.Suddenly, our cameraman, who was driving, said, "Good God, look at this corvette that rushes behind!"This car that spun on the right, it was him.He had a smile to his ears.He laughed then made a little gesture of the hand.And hop, he had already left.»»

To be continued…

Roland Lazenby, « Michael Jordan, The Life»»

726 pages, 32 euros, 13.99 euros in digital format (EPUB).

On sale in bookstores, in supermarkets and on online sales sites.

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