[Opinion] Mali: Supporting the actions of the transition for the Renaissance?

Au Mali, la transition, dirigée par Assimi Goïta, a encore besoin du soutien de la population pour mieux mener ses actions au profit d’une renaissance du pays. Opinion. [Opinion] Mali : soutenir les actions de la transition pour la renaissance ? [Opinion] Mali : soutenir les actions de la transition pour la renaissance ?

Paradox: everyone likes the new one, but many are those who are afraid of change.The "rectification of the trajectory of the transition", in progress in Mali, gives goosebumps to many partners in the country.The Malian transition authorities, since the forced resignation of Bah N’Daw last May, decided to direct the country independently, as must any sovereign nation, in order to hoist Mali at the level of emerging countries.

Gentle revolution

Since coming to business, the new authorities have reduced travel abroad, revised the country's cooperation with partners.They are more in practice than in theory, the opposite of politicians.All these actions can only have other synonyms than the will to prove that they are at the service of the Malian people.Something they prove through community development actions, implemented in different localities in the country.

Require cooperation in which Mali partners can deal with it as an equal..The question of the possible intervention of the Russian private security company, Wagner, has already forced partners to make the trip to the country to clarify their position.We are therefore witnessing a tendency reversal in cooperation between Mali and other states.

[Opinion] Mali : soutenir les actions de la transition pour la renaissance ?

This gentle revolution, which was one of the strong expectations of the Malian people, is on the move.It is increasingly understood and finds more support among the Malian people, who continues to demonstrate to comfort the authorities in their mission of recovery of the state.

Movement call

In addition to the demonstrations of support in different localities in the country, at the call of the "Yèrèwolo standing on the ramparts" movement, the Malians storm the place of independence on September 22.This demonstration, to request the departure of French troops from Mali, the end of the policy of "neocolonialism" and support the Malian authorities of the transition, has drained a world comparable to that of the demonstrations of June 5, 2020 for the departure of theEx-President of the Republic, Ibrahim Boubacar Kéïta (IBK).This message is strong enough for experienced ears.

This fervor must continue and strengthen in order to comfort the Malian authorities of the transition in their march to new Mali.No matter how many sides, we can undergo the support of the sovereign people, we are reassured and it will be more difficult to turn back.

Pour reprendre le président de la transition, le Colonel Assimi Goïta, à l’occasion de la célébration du 61e anniversaire d’indépendance du Mali, « C’est pendant les moments difficiles que l’on reconnait les vrais citoyens, les vrais patriotes ».Today, more than ever, the sovereign people of Mali, if they really wish the rebirth of Mali, must show all their support for the actions of current leaders.Because no one will develop Mali in place of Malians.

  1. T.

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of Sahel Tribune.

Source: Sahel Tribune

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