Small Bulletin Saint -Etienne - Cinema Saint -Etienne: "We, dogs" - Mikaël Muller: "If the cinemas have closed, it is to reopen better" - Interview published by Vincent Raymond

Thanks to the decree linked to the state of health emergency, many distributors have changed their films in VOD.However, you from the start of containment at The Jokers/The Bookmakers, you positioned the release of the dogs to the reopening of the cinemas…

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"We dogs": the spirit of the pack

Mikaël Muller: We remained faithful to our line of conduct.As we started working on the programming and promoting this film, we actually heard about this famous confinement that was going to arrive.For various and varied reasons, many distributors have decided to withdraw their films from the line-up;We, on the contrary, decided to advance the exit of us, the dogs on April 8.In our mind, it was not imaginable, all the rooms being potentially still open on April 8, that there is no animated film on this period.Afterwards, there was a confinement and we wanted to make it discharge from the reopening, to accompany the cinemas in the reconquest of the public.It seemed to us a major issue

Why do we keep this film?Already, because it is the first animated film of The Jokers, because it is clever, innovative, sensitive and that it speaks of individual and collective right to happiness, the desire for freedom, emancipation ... and itsend is super poetic and rebellious full of surprises.It is recommended to the whole family, and children from 6 years old.

What was the operators' response to this proposal?

Petit Bulletin SAINT-ETIENNE - Cinéma Saint-Etienne :

Elle a été très favorable ! On a recommencé la programmation lundi 1er juin, et les discussions, les appels, les mails n'arrêtent pas : il y a un véritable enthousiasme puisque parmi tous les films qui vont sortir, voire ressortir au cinéma le 22 juin, ce sera le premier film d'animation. Il faut quand même se rappeler que c'est la première fois dans l'histoire du cinéma que les salles ont été fermées et pour une période aussi longue. Même durant mai-68 à Paris les salles de cinéma n'avaient pas fermé ! On a traversé, à notre très modeste niveau, une étape historique ; il fallait donc, pour s'attirer les faveurs du public, rappeler au spectateur que si les salles de cinéma ont fermé, c'est pour mieux rouvrir. Pour les accompagner en toute sécurité, pour rappeler qu'effectivement il n'y a aucune crainte — même si effectivement je peux comprendre et partager les inquiétudes de certains. Il y a des consignes très strictes, un protocole sanitaire qui sera mis en place, et qui, on l'espère, améliorera la situation. Pour toutes ces raisons, on est assez confiants. De ce que j'observe, ça se passe très bien du moins à Paris, les gestes barrières sont plutôt bien respectés dans les transports en commun, aux terrasses des cafés… Il n'y a donc pas de raison d'assister à des comportements indisciplinés dans les salles de cinéma ; je sais que les exploitants seront très vigilants et très attentifs.

At our modest level, we, dogs accompany this reopening and shows to the public that we can return to the cinema with his children to see a good animated film.The little ones remained confined to their homes for two and a half months;We can finally come out, go to the park, walk in the forest and do activities, and on June 22, they are offered to return to the cinema by freeze that we will please them.

It is not intended for young audiences…

Absolutely.At The Jokers, we are very attached to the promotion of Korean culture, and our audience is very faithful since parasitic;We will also offer VO to lovers of Asian cinema, depending on cities in certain cinemas.

Do the combination and number of copies evolve with the change of date?

We adapt, necessarily ... we are still waiting to know if all the rooms will reopen on June 22, or some on June 24.I know that large circuits (UGC, Pathé, CGR) have decided to follow the recommendations and open on June 22, but among the independent cinemas, there are still discussions.Some took advantage of the period to stay closed and do work.So we adapt to this situation.So I can't get involved yet, but one thing is certain: yes, there will be a large number of copies, and the cinemas that will not be served in the first week, will be in the second or third of exploitation.Our will is that the film can travel, cross all countries;It will therefore be made available even in small towns.This is the reason why we chose not to take it out in VOD, but to make it the real cinematic event of the reopening.