PHOTO Caroline Margeridon praises the merits of a "really cheap" jogging, its price hallucinates Internet users

This Tuesday, April 27, Caroline Margeridon promoted leather jogging on her social networks. Among the main qualities of the latter? It would be "really cheap". But the buyer of Affaire Conclue does not have the same relationship to money as her subscribers…

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Since she was revealed by Affaire Conclue, a show she joined in 2018, Caroline Margeridon has been very active on social networks. These allow him to share behind the scenes of filming, his latest finds in terms of antiques, but also to share his good plans. This Tuesday, April 27, at the bend of a lunch with her daughter Victoire, she thus promoted leather jogging from the My LTD Collection brand, belonging to one of her friends. A Made in France piece of which she has long praised the merits. "It's in all colors, and it's really cheap," she clarified in her short video. Intrigued to know what the former acolyte of Pierre-Jean Chalençon considered to be "really cheap", some Internet users then went to the site of the store in question to find out the price of the garment. And they were damn surprised! Indeed the part costs no less than 280 euros...

Caroline Margeridon pinned by internet users

PHOTO Caroline Margeridon praises the merits of a

If for Caroline Margeridon 280 euros is only a derisory sum, this is not the case for her very many subscribers. They would never see themselves investing such a sum for a simple jog, however sophisticated it may be. "Jogging at 280 € is still abused. It's not for everyone. Too bad", "280 euros for jogging pants is a lot anyway. It's not within reach of all the purses", "For her it's not expensive. For most of the lambda people who follow her, yes! But she does not realize it to say that'", many of them wrote in comments.

In response, Victoire and Alexandre's mother explained that the clothes were naturally more expensive when they were made in France and of good quality. But it is obviously not within his community of fans that the star of Affaire Conclue will find buyers!