"Pleasure", the underside of the American porn

Le romantisme n’est pas le sujet de Pleasure, premier film de la réalisatrice suédoise Ninja Thyberg. Une absence tenant autant à son sujet – une Suédoise de 20 ans débarque à Los Angeles avec l’intention de devenir une star du porno – qu’au traitement choisi par la réalisatrice : sec, aride, cruel, documentaire, aux antipodes du titre choisi. Contrairement à son titre, Pleasure met en scène le spectacle de l’anti-plaisir. Le film trouve son origine dans le court-métrage du même nom que la réalisatrice avait présenté en 2013 à la Semaine de la critique du Festival de Cannes.« Pleasure », les dessous du porno américain « Pleasure », les dessous du porno américain

During his studies at La London University, Gender Studies department, Ninja Thyberg had written a dissertation on porn cinema."I examined the twenty most watched porn extracts of 2011 on streaming sites, in order to understand what was playing on the screen: who undresses?Who looks at the camera?All this in order to understand how the power relations between men and women were formed.»With a central question: that of the place of women ... but also that of men.

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"Women are never protagonists, they are transformed into an object and, in general, dehumanized.But men are just as much: we rarely see their faces, they do not express any emotion, except, sometimes, during orgasm.The spectator is more easily tended to identify with the woman since she expresses her feelings.I was very interested in the actors, their preparation on a set, everything related to the Hors-Champ or what is happening next to the film;What we will never see on the screen and that I wanted to stage.»»

Lire aussi :Article réservé à nos abonnés« Pleasure»»Entretien avec Ninja Thyberg (Réalisatrice) et Sofia Kappel (actrice principale) : « Il y a une forme d’honnêteté dans le porno»»

« Pleasure », les dessous du porno américain

A partir de 2014, Ninja Thyberg passe cinq ans entre la Suède et la Californie, plus précisément dans la San Fernando Valley, où se situe le « Hollywood du X»».There, she meets actresses, actors, directors, producers, agents, assistants ... She even goes so far as to house in one of these models, these community houses where porn actresses live together."There are individuals of all kinds in porn.I saw trying sets, but others where everyone flourished.I stopped looking at the actresses like victims.Young girls are exploited, but others have a career.They are very intelligent, strategists, they are businesswomen and sexual athletes.They train hard to achieve things that ordinary people would be unable to do.»»

With the exception of the main actress, the Swedish beginner Sofia Kappel, the actors of Pleasure all belong to the porn industry (actors, producers, agents), most often in their own role."I considered foreign actors in the X, but they were never as good as professionals.»» En participant au film, ces derniers marquent aussi leur volonté de dénoncer les pratiques violentes de nombreux tournages et obtenir de meilleures conditions de travail.

Pleasure, from Ninja Thyberg.With Sofia Kappel, Kendra Spade, Dana Dearmond.1 h 45.Indoors on October 20.

Samuel Blumenfeld

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