Presidential 2022: Mila Récadre Eric Zemmour and current values

The recent positions of Mila, Lyonnaise of the year according to readers of Lyonmag, are proof of this.

This Wednesday, the young woman, who managed to condemn many of her harassers' cybers, posted a tweet where she reveals new death threats against her, accompanied by openly racist remarks.

"We are going to escape you, you and all the people in your country", "France is to Algerians, we sodomized dirty whore" or "You make Arab women white whores": faced with these words'Extreme violence, Mila declared-clumsily she will recognize later: "I don't like Éric Zemmour, and encourage him against my values.But I am so terrorized in my own country, that I tell myself that we have no more choice than to spend at least a time by this radicalization although it displeases me.To stay alive ".

Enough to tap Eric Zemmour's supporters who therefore tried to "recover" it to make it a symbol in terms of presidential election.The conservative magazine Current values even made a titled article "for Mila," we have no other choice "than to vote Zemmour".

Présidentielle 2022 : Mila recadre Eric Zemmour et Valeurs Actuelles

Shortly after, the presidential candidate in person spoke by relaying Mila's tweet."Mila, those who want to intimidate you for this message have one thing in common: they accept the Islamization of France, while crying hypocritically on your fate.Our disagreements are nothing with regard to the will that unites us: living free in a peace in peace, "said Eric Zemmour.

It was too much for the young woman who fights as well the sectarian and Islamist drifts of a fringe of the population and the extreme right."I want things to be clear in particular for current values that disguises what I said.As I said so well, I don't like Eric Zemmour, not at all (...) I don't like his fascism his contempt and his closure of mind, "she started in a press release.

And to continue: "What I meant (awkwardly I recognize it) is that I believe, radical measures to put an end to the violence that is unleashed.But in no case and I would never support Eric Zemmour or person who is closer to the far right (…) I know very well that it would be suicide to vote for this man, because I am the kind of person hewishes to destroy ".

By these words, Mila has clear.However, many Internet users who support Eric Zemmour, who, two days ago, bore the young woman in symbol of their cause, began to harass her.

That it is hard to fight the extremes in a France where the nuance gradually disappears ... And this fight, it is even more due for a young adult who is just afraid for his life.
