Press conference of November 25, 2021 held by the spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zhao Lijian

Le Premier Ministre du Conseil des Affaires d’État Li Keqiang participera le 29 novembre, par liaison vidéo depuis Beijing, à la 59e session annuelle de l’Organisation consultative juridique afro-asiatique (AALCO) et y prononcera un discours.The meeting will be held in Hong Kong.

Le Conseiller d’État et Ministre des Affaires étrangères Wang Yi participera le 26 novembre par liaison vidéo à la 18e Réunion des Ministres des Affaires étrangères de la Chine, de la Russie et de l’Inde.

MASTV: On November 24, the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Greens and the Liberal Democratic Party (FDP) of Germany held a joint press conference, during which they announced the completion of negotiations onthe formation of a government coalition and officially published the coalition agreement.This agreement implies questions related to China such as Taiwan, the South China Sea, Xinjiang and Hong Kong.What are China's comments in this regard?What are its views of the development of bilateral relations after the formation of the new German government?

Zhao Lijian: China attaches importance to the Global Sino-German strategic partnership, and is of the opinion that the good development of bilateral relations responds to the common interests of the two countries and their peoples, and contributes to promoting exchanges and theCooperation between China and Europe. L’année prochaine marquera le 50e anniversaire de l’établissement des relations diplomatiques entre la Chine et l’Allemagne.We hope that the new German government will pursue its pragmatic policy with regard to China, will go in the same direction as China, will develop bilateral relations on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual profits, andwill focus on promoting Sino-German pragmatic cooperation in various fields.

I would like to emphasize that the questions related to Taiwan, the Sea of Southern China, Xinjiang and Hong Kong fall under the internal affairs of China, and affect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.Successive German governments have all pursued the policy of a single China.We hope to see the new German government continue to pursue this policy, respect the vital interests of China and maintain the political foundation of bilateral relations.

Beijing Daily : Vous venez d’annoncer que le Premier Ministre Li Keqiang participera à la cérémonie d’ouverture de la 59e session annuelle de l’Organisation consultative juridique afro-asiatique (AALCO).Could you present more information on this meeting?

Zhao Lijian: Aalco is the only cooperation platform dedicated to international law covering Asia and Africa. La 59e session annuelle de l’AALCO sera la troisième session annuelle organisée par la Chine.This is also the second participation of Prime Minister Li Keqiang in the opening ceremony of the annual session after that of 2015, which fully demonstrates the importance given by the Chinese government to Aalco.China is willing to work with Asian and African countries to continue to shine the spirit of Bandung, jointly safeguard international law and promote the rule of law.

Dragon TV: At the seventh meeting of the China-Russia Committee for Parliamentary Cooperation on November 23, the president of the Commission for Security and the Fight against the Corruption of the Russian State Vassili Piskarev said that inOrganizing a "summit of leaders for democracy", the United States aimed to draw a line between "us" and "others" and create the division.What are China's comments on this?

Zhao Lijian: The international community is seeing more and more clearly what is the real objective of the organization by the United States of this so-called "summit of leaders for democracy".We must not only listen to what the United States says, but also look at what they do.Do the United States engage in "small clans" and "small circles" in the name of democracy to contain and repress other countries and encourage division and confrontation?It is not difficult for the international community to make a correct and objective judgment based on facts.

I would like to emphasize that whole humanity is a community of shared future and that deliberately created division between "us" and "others" is not conducive to peace or the strategic stability of the world.The "we", I fear, are also divided into highly hierarchical classes.There are enough lessons in this regard.Democracy is not a patent held by a certain country, but a common value of all humanity.There is no unique form of democracy or a single means to achieve it.No country has the right to monopolize definition and jurisdiction in terms of democracy.

Democracy is not an ornament.We must focus more on the effectiveness of operation rather than slogans.In the United States, political polarization, social heartbreak and an increasingly empty of meaning have led to increased dissatisfaction with the population.The so-called "summit for democracy" must focus on examining democratic problems in the United States and proposing concrete and practical measures to remedy it.The United States persists in imposing the "democratic model" on the Western style on other countries, even resort to "regime change" and try to instrumentalize democracy to continue their global strategies and geopolitical interests.This is in itself the greatest attack on democratic values.He goes against the trend of the time and will not obtain any support from the people.

CCTV: According to reports, on November 23, Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen and the Chinese Ambassador in Cambodia participated together in the inauguration ceremony of the Cambodge-China Friendship Pont of Stung Trang-Kroch Chhmar on theMekong and of construction of the national road 71c.During the ceremony, Hun Sen said that China always gave us support according to our real needs, while the others always bypass the subjects that interest us by asking us to do something else.What are China's comments on this?

Zhao Lijian: Prime Minister Hun Sen is right.He told the truth with all sincerity.China and Cambodia are "iron friends" and nearby neighbors.We always live and we strongly support each other.China always provides, to the extent of its capacities, timely and strong aid to the socio-economic development of Cambodia, which is in accordance with the spirit of the China-Cambodge Shared Future Community.

President Xi Jinping recently advanced the global development initiative, the objective of which is to promote joint efforts of the international community to meet the challenges, promote global economic recovery and fully implement the sustainable development programThe United Nations 2030.China is ready to pursue close cooperation with Cambodia as part of this initiative and to continue to provide Cambodia development aid to provide more profits to the Cambodian people.

China Review News: According to reports, the International Atomic Energy Agency (AIEA) held a meeting of its Governors' Council yesterday.On the proposal of China, the Council of Governors of the IAEA quickly added, after concerted consultations, a particular and formal subject in the agenda to specially discuss questions related to cooperation between the United States, theUnited Kingdom and Australia in nuclear submarines.Could you present more information?

Zhao Lijian: China has repeatedly expressed its serious concern and its firm opposition to cooperation between the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia in matters of nuclear submarines.On the proposal of China, the Council of Governors of the IAEA has registered the subject linked to this cooperation in the formal agenda of the meeting.This is a good step towards the adequate resolution of this file.Cooperation between the three countries in matters of nuclear submarines involves political, legal and technical issues.China will ask these questions on the occasion of the meeting and will have ample discussions with all the parties.

What I want to underline is that cooperation between the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia in matters of nuclear submarines relates to the integrity, validity and authority of the TreatyOn the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (TNP), and concerns international security order, as well as regional and global security and stability.An acceptable solution must be found for all parties subject to universal participation of the international community.Until all parties reach a consensus on this subject, the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia must not advance their cooperation in matters of nuclear submarines and the AIEA secretariatmust not discuss with the three countries so-called arrangements on the guarantee and monitoring of cooperation.

RCI: According to reports, after China said it takes all the necessary measures to respond to Lithuania's authorization so that the Taiwan authorities create a so-called "Taiwan representation office in Lithuania",The Lithuanian Minister of Economy and Innovation has revealed that her country will sign with the United States an export credit agreement of US $ 600 million.According to media, Lithuania will obtain the commercial support of the United States after it exasperated China on the issue linked to Taiwan.What are China's comments on this?

Conférence de presse du 25 novembre 2021 tenue par le porte-parole du Ministère des Affaires étrangères Zhao Lijian

Zhao Lijian: The report you mentioned shows once again than behind the provocative act of Lithuania, there is a puppet master who encouraged and manipulated him.The international community clearly sees it.

I would like to emphasize that he is immoral and dangerous for Lithuania to sacrifice the sovereignty of China without hesitation in exchange for loans.In defiance of her commitment, solemn statements from China and international justice, Lithuania has taken chestnuts in fire for the pleasure of a certain big country, and it will end up paying the price.

In order to achieve its selfish political objectives, the United States has exhausted all means to obey other countries by force and money, and make them scapegoats.This act is in no way what a responsible country had to do.In the end, this will only harm others and themselves.

Macao Monthly: According to reports, the Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabrielius Landsbergis, visiting the United States, said on November 24 that he had discussed with senior American officials of the possibility for Lithuania to make himself less dependent onChina.He said: "The greatest" lesson "that Lithuania has learned is that economic coercion does not necessarily mean that the country must give up making independent decisions in matters of foreign policy".According to him, Lithuania will experience short -term difficulties, but it will adapt to it and will be a model for other countries on how to resist such pressure.What are China's comments on this?

Zhao Lijian: In defiance of the solemn position of China, the general interest of relations between the two countries as well as fundamental standards governing international relations, Lithuania has openly created the false illusion of "a China, a taiwan»On the international scene, thus creating a preceding serious.China will certainly provide resolved and necessary responses to all provocations involving sovereignty and territorial integrity of China.Those who act in bad faith and sink into the wrong path will only end up assuming all the consequences of their own mistakes.

If the Lithuanian government still makes independent decisions in its foreign policy, as the Lithuanian Foreign Affairs said, I would like to ask what the Minister does in the United States at the moment.

Global Times: as we know, the United States, self-proclaimed "Human Rights Facial", still beats to "examine" the situation of human rights in other countries under the pretext of the rights ofman, and often make condescending remarks on this.However, we have noticed that Fernand de Varennes, United Nations Special Rapporteur on questions relating to minorities, had published a press statement on November 22, after a two-week visit to the United States, forExplain the systematic discrimination that takes place in the United States various minority groups and on various fronts, including elections, education, religion, criminal justice and hatred crimes.He stressed that anti-Semitism, anti-Asian speeches, hatred against Islam, denigration and defamation of the Latin community, as well as anti-immigrant and xenophobic feelings were all increasing throughout the country while reachingRecord levels.By also indicating that the United States did not have complete national law on human rights which is more in accordance with its international obligations in this area, the rapporteur urged them to deeply revise their legislation in order to prevent the'Increase in exclusion, discrimination, hate speeches and crimes against minority groups.What are your comments on this?

Zhao Lijian: We took note of the declaration concerned.The question you just asked is a bit long, which shows that the media have given wide coverage on this subject.This reflects the general concern and the serious concerns of the international community with regard to the current human rights situation in the United States, in particular the continuous deterioration of the situation of minority groups in this area in the country.

The declaration stight with acuity that "the United States is a nation of paradoxes when it comes to human rights and minority groups.On the one hand, having committed a genocide and a systematic racial discrimination against the Amerindians, the United States makes people like George Floyd "unable to breathe", deal with residents of their overseas territories like"second -rate citizens" and observe with indifference the ethnic minorities that live in fear and under the threat of serious crimes of hatred;On the other hand, obsessed with political manipulation and the so-called international human rights diplomacy, the United States use human rights as a tool to interfere in the domestic affairs of'others.In the human rights report they publish each year, the United States always makes irresponsible remarks on the situation of human rights in other countries while remaining silent on their own situation in thematter.This fully reveals the "two measurements" and the hypocrisy of the United States on human rights.

I wonder where the qualification and courage of the United States come from, whose domestic human rights situation is "riddled with holes", to take itself for a "Human Rights Rights".What the United States must do is to face its own human rights problems and take care of its own business, instead of accusing other countries and putting pressure on themAll the times of field and to interfere in the internal affairs of others using human rights as a cover.

China News Service : Vous venez de dire que la 18e Réunion des Ministres des Affaires étrangères de la Chine, de la Russie et de l’Inde se tiendra bientôt.What will be the main subjects of Reunion?What are the expectations of China?

Zhao Lijian: At the meeting, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of China, Russia and India will lead in-depth discussions around subjects such as the fight against COVVI-19, multilateralism as well as international hot spotsand regional.

Currently, in the context of overlapping changes and a pandemic never seen in a century, the world has entered an accelerated pace in a period of turbulence and transformations.As a major country with a global influence and market economies emerge the most representative, China, Russia and India share similar positions and assume important responsibilities in terms of promoting peace, stability and developmentin the world.China hopes to take advantage of this meeting to strengthen communication, improve mutual trust and establish a consensus with Russia and India, while sending positive messages outside on the practice of real multilateralism, the promotion ofThe democratization of international relations, the joint fight against the epidemic, the promotion of economic recovery as well as on the maintenance of world peace and stability, with a view to injecting more stability and positive energy to the world confrontedto changes and chaos.

MASTV: According to reports, the Office of Industry and Security (BIS) of the American Department of Commerce has announced include 27 entities and individuals on its so-called "list of entities", including 12 Chinese companies.What are China's comments on this?

Zhao Lijian: The United States has repeatedly abused the concept of national security and state power to repress Chinese companies unjustifiedly.This seriously harms the interests of Chinese companies, arbitrarily undergoes international economic and commercial order and the rules of free trade, and seriously threatens industrial and world supply chains.We can say that the United States has almost no limits.

China is firmly opposed to the United States concerned and asks them to immediately remedy their error.China reserves the right to take the necessary countermeasures for the United States and will take all the measures necessary to resolutely safeguard the legal rights and interests of Chinese companies.

Bloomberg: Regarding cooperation between the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia in matters of nuclear submarines, China presented its proposal concerned during the meeting of the Council of Governors ofThe AIEA held in Vienna?When will the Council of Governors of the AIEA discuss this subject?Is there a consensus in this area?Could you provide more details?

Zhao Lijian: I just present the information concerned.The AIEA held a meeting of its Governors' Council yesterday.On the proposal of the Chinese party, the Council of Governors added, after concerted consultations, a particular and formal subject in the agenda, in order to specially discuss questions related to cooperation between the United States, the Kingdom-UNI and Australia in terms of nuclear submarines.

Shenzhen TV: French Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian criticized China-Africa cooperation in a recent interview with the world.What are China's comments on this?

Zhao Lijian: We noted the reports concerned.The remarks of the French Minister of Foreign Affairs do not correspond to the reality.China finds them shocking them.The African people are best placed to judge the results of Sino-African cooperation.A few days ago, I mentioned an AfroBarometer report, an African survey institute.This report shows that 63% of those questioned believe that China's political and economic influence on their country is "rather positive" or "very positive".

China is an old, true and good friend of the African people.China remains the first trading partner in Africa for 12 consecutive years.Since the creation of the Sino-African Cooperation Forum (FCSA), Chinese companies have built or modernized more than 10,000 kilometers of railways and nearly 100,000 kilometers of roads in Africa, creating more than 4.5 million djobs.All this stimulated the development of Africa and improved the standard of living of local inhabitants, as evidenced by the international community.In addition, African countries have all appreciated the Sino-African cooperation in investment and funding, which always respects the will of the African party, is based on the real needs of Africa and follows the philosophy of developmentintensive and sustainable.Those who try to denigrate Sino-African cooperation will not find an audience in Africa.

La 8e Conférence ministérielle du FCSA se tiendra bientôt au Sénégal.Currently, the leaders and foreign ministers of African countries are impatiently waiting to participate, which is the strongest proof of the full recognition and support of the African party with regard to cooperationSino-African.China always keeps an open and positive attitude with regard to cooperation between the various parts of the international community and Africa, and supports the international community in the formation of effective synergy to promote Africa's development.The countries concerned must consider China-Africa cooperation from an objective and just angle, listen more about the voice of African friends, and do more good and pragmatic things for Africa.

China Review News: According to reports, interviewed on the second "Dialogue of the Partnership for Economic Prosperity between the United States and Taiwan", the US Subsecretaire of State Jose Fernandez said that the two parties would create contacts between theprivate sectors of both parties to deepen economic ties.The American party told Taiwan the measures she could take to counter China's economic coercion.Jose Fernandez also said that the United States was firmly convinced that Huawei technologies, dependent on the government of China, were not safe, and that the United States had discussed with other countries risks and alternativesof these technologies.What is China's answer on this subject?

Zhao Lijian: Yesterday, I clearly expressed the position of China on the question concerned.China firmly opposes any form of official exchange between the American part and the authorities of Taiwan.We have taken solemn steps with the American part.Some US officials must immediately stop making irresponsible comments and sending wrong signals to the separatist forces advocating "independence of Taiwan".

We have also noticed the old stereotypes repeated by some American officials.I would like to emphasize that the United States unreasonably repress foreign companies by means such as the generalization of the concept of national security, the abuse of state power and even the manufacture of lies.The United States is an undisputed master of coercion, juggling with economic means, military threats, hostage-taking and other types of coercion.China has nothing to do with the word "coercion".We severely warn some American officials that any attempt to train small clans in the world and to slander China by distorting the facts is doomed to failure.

Reuters: According to Sydney Morning Herald of Australia, Australian parliamentarians have urged the Australian government to engage in a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympics.What are China's comments on this?

Zhao Lijian: China has repeatedly stressed that the Beijing Winter Olympic Games will be a scene for winter sports athletes around the world.They are the protagonists of the games.We are firmly convinced that under the direction of the Olympic Spirit and thanks to the concerted efforts of all parties, we will offer the world an edition of the simplified, safe and splendid Olympic Games and will promote the healthy development of the international sporting cause together.

China has always opposed any word and any act that politicize sports and violate the spirit of the Olympic Charter.This will only harm the interests of athletes from all countries.Some attempts to diplomatically boycott the Winter Olympic Games are doomed to failure.

China Daily: On November 23, the second room in the Netherlands voted on a motion submitted by some parliamentarians asking the Dutch government not to send a representative to the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.Supported by less than half of the room, the motion was rejected.Before, during a debate concerned, the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Ben Knapen had explicitly expressed his suggestion that Parliament does not adopt a motion in favor of a diplomatic boycott of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games.What are the comments of China on this?

Zhao Lijian: The international sports community has long reached consensus, qualifying the boycotts as "the most disturbing specters of the Olympic movement", and is unanimously opposed to any act going against the spirit ofThe Olympic Charter.As we know, the Beijing Winter Olympic Games will be a scene for athletes from all countries to seek excellence and also a big meeting of the international community to strengthen solidarity and deepen friendship.The politicization of sport will only disappoint the ardent expectations of all the Winter Olympic athletes and winter sports enthusiasts, and will only harm the interests of athletes from all countries as well as the International Olympic cause.

For some time, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and politicians in many countries have expressed with enthusiasm their best wishes and support for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games.We are convinced that in the light of the Olympic spirit, more and more clairvoyant personalities of the international community will express their support for the Beijing Winter Olympic Games and their opposition to the politicization of sport.

China will continue to wear the vision of green, inclusive, open and honest games, and will work in concert with the IOC and countries around the world to have the Olympic spirit called "together" shine, and present to the world a big meeting-You Olympique simplified, safe and splendid.

AFP: A question about riots in the Solomon Islands.According to reports, demonstrations took place in the capital of the Solomon Islands and local Chinese stores have been attacked.What is the current situation of Chinese nationals in the country?Will the Chinese government advise them to evacuate?

Zhao Lijian: China follows very closely the current development of the situation in the Solomon Islands and supports the efforts of the Government of the Solomon Islands to end violence and chaos.We are convinced that under the leadership of Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, the Government of the Solomon Islands will soon restore social order and stability.We are seriously concerned about attacks against certain Chinese nationals and institutions and have already asked the Government of the Solomon Islands to take all the necessary measures to protect the security of Chinese nationals and institutions in the country.

I would like to emphasize that the principle of a single China is a fundamental standard governing international relations.Two years after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the Solomon Islands, relations between the two countries have experienced healthy development and their cooperation and their exchanges have recorded fruitful results in various fields, such as the economy, thetrade, infrastructure, education and health, providing tangible profits and well-being to both peoples.Any attempt aimed at undermining the normal development of Sino-Salomonese relations is useless.

HRTN: On November 24, a senior anonymous official of the US State Department said at a conference call that the US Secretary of State for Affairs of the Western Hemisphere Brian Nichols had led a delegation to visit Honduras andexplained the importance of relations between Honduras and Taiwan for the two presidential candidates of Honduras, saying that the United States hoped to see Honduras maintain the current situation.The United States has also warned Central America to pay attention to the risks of Chinese acts for the region.What are China's comments on this?

Zhao Lijian: What the Latin American people must be wary of is not Chinese acts, but long-standing hegemonic acts of the United States which consider the countries of Central America as their "backyard".The acts concerned of the United States have blandly violated the principle of a single China, and the United States has openly criticized the internal affairs of others and were violently ingested there.Is it the "international order based on rules" that the United States has always advocated?Is it the so-called "democracy" that the United States has always boasted?To judge by what the United States has done, the so-called "international order based on rules" is nothing more than intimidation, and the so-called "democracy" is nothingmore than alliance formation to the detriment of others.

Since the proclamation of the doctrine of Monroe in 1823, the specter of the doctrine of Monroe strolls still in Latin America.The infiltration and oppression made by the United States in Latin America are omnipresent, and the means have neither taboos nor limits, such as military intervention, political subversion and corruption by money.This has seriously hampered the process of political and economic development in Latin America and caused deep suffering to the Latin American people.To date, the United States has never woken up from its dream 200 years ago and continue to consider Latin America as their sphere of influence and "backyard".The strongest policy and the hegemonic acts of the United States have long been hated by the Latin American people, and they are doomed to failure.

Pakistan Associated Press: according to reports, China and Pakistan have recently signed an economic and commercial agreement that will allow Pakistani agricultural products to access the Chinese market.What are the comments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on this subject?

Zhao Lijian: On November 23, representatives of China and Pakistan officially signed the protocol on inspection and health control requirements for Pakistani onions exported to China.This marks that Pakistani onions now have access to the Chinese market.I worked and lived in Pakistan for many years.Pakistani onions are cheap and good quality, and I am convinced that they will be appreciated by the Chinese people.

China and Pakistan are strategic cooperation partners of all times, and the two countries maintain narrow economic and commercial relations.China has been the largest trading partner in Pakistan for seven consecutive years.China is willing to work with Pakistan to continuously deepen their business and extend its magnitude, and unite to build a narrower Sino-Pakistani shared community in the new era, so that the results of cooperationSino-Pakistanaise benefit better from the two countries and the two peoples.

Bloomberg: always about the Solomon Islands.According to reports, Australia will send police from the Solomon Islands to suppress riots.What are China's comments?

Zhao Lijian: You should ask this question to the Australian part.

Reuters: the United States has clearly told the two candidates in mind to the Honduurian presidential election that they wanted Honduras to continue its long-standing diplomatic relations with Taiwan.What are China's comments on this?

Zhao Lijian: I just exposed the position of China on the question concerned.The acts of the American part violent the principle of a single China, and constitute a coarse interference in the internal affairs of other countries.Such acts of stronger and hegemony politics find no support.

Phoenix TV: First question, according to reports, after making inappropriate comments on the Chinese Communist Party (CPC), the CEO of JP Morgan published a statement expressing his regrets and saying that he should not have made suchcomments.What are your comments on this? Deuxième question, le chef de la Division des Affaires étrangères du Parti libéral-démocrate du Japon Sato Masahisa a déclaré que la visite du Ministre japonais des Affaires étrangères Yoshimasa Hayashi en Chine devrait être traitée avec prudence pour éviter d’envoyer un message erroné au monde extérieur, alors que les États-Unis et des pays européens envisagent un boycott diplomatique des Jeux Olympiques d’hiver de Beijing.What are China's comments on this?

Zhao Lijian: Regarding your first question, I took note of the reports concerned and the sincere introspection of the person concerned.I think this is an appropriate and correct attitude and I hope that the media concerned stop making noise around this question.

On your second question, certain individuals of the Japanese part linked the Beijing Winter Olympic Games to a bilateral political program, which amounts to politicizing sport and profaning the Olympic spirit.China firmly opposes it.China and Japan have a significant consensus on their mutual support for the organization of the Olympic Games.China has provided total support to the Japanese party for the organization of the Tokyo Olympic Games.The Japanese part must not betray its faith.