Promises of the mayor of Vannes, David Robo, find our assessor reserved for subscribers

1,100 proposals and after?

"The promises only engage those who believe in it".Really ?During his campaign, David Robo made 100 proposals.In six years, how much will be held?How much discarded?A few weeks before the 2020 municipal elections, the adversaries of the outgoing mayor had brandished the calculator and drawn up the totals of the past mandate.For them, the accounts were not there.The outgoing mayor, he welcomed him to have kept his commitments.

So, for this 2020-2026 mandate, the telegram will hold the counters.A year after the mayor's re -election, we have screened his promises.The editorial staff will make this evaluator evolve each year.You find it below.

2 Lots of red, orange and little green

To qualify the progress of the proposals, we have established a color code.We started from a principle: the absence of communication on a project makes an unstitated promise or in some cases, not engaged.

Thus, at this stage, we classified 38 in red, meaning that they were not held.Thirty proposals are of orange color, synonymous with a project just launched.

Promesses du maire de Vannes, David Robo, retrouvez notre évaluateur Réservé aux abonnés

Yellow and green for initiatives about to succeed or successful are rarer.They illustrate projects already initiated during the previous mandate: such as the Ménimur Medical House or the cultural project of the North-Gare hangar.

3 A few shades of gray and purple

Certain promises, because they constitute declarations of intention or are impalpable are impossible to assess.We then opted for purple.

Other proposals are the skills of the agglomeration, chaired by ... David Robo.

Gray has also appeared, because the editorial staff is aware that the health crisis has not allowed the team to advance at the rate perhaps hoped.For some promises, the COVID effect is immediate.This is the case concerning projects around cultural or sporting events, in particular.

4 The health crisis and its effects

Induced effects of covid, in the longer term could also emerge.Will some projects in the world be able to register in the world after COVID?As of last spring, David Robo warned: the health crisis will impact his mandate.Our assessor will ensure that this excuse does not turn into systematic justification.

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5 six years in mandate

Already, we are witnessing controlled brakings such as free buses, date reports, such as the school, sports and leisure group of Kerniol.

Major project announced;that of the left bank.Stopped net a few weeks before the municipal elections, its new calendar has not been specified.

This first stage point does not freeze the culmination of the mandate.He lasts six years, not a.Next meeting in March 2022.

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