Business reactions to Ka's Sa'ed 's speech: the arsonist firefighter!

The business world, of those who create jobs and pay their taxes, have once again expressed their dissatisfaction with the speech of the President of the Republic. It's hard to see a Tunisian entrepreneur speak well of Kaïs Saïed, his vision and his way of managing. Here are some reactions, they say a lot about the current mood in the economic world.

Mohamed Ben Jemaa, BMW and Mini dealer in Tunisia

I don't know Elyes Fakhfakh either closely or from afar. I have no judgment or a priori on the person. But I fully and unreservedly support him against the charge his government has been subjected to this evening by our President of the Republic. Even if there have been some blunders or mistakes in the management of this crisis (and who hasn't? See the example of countries like Italy, Spain and even the USA) nothing justifies this public humiliation .

Furthermore, the attack and relentlessness against holders of capital, companies or simply wealthy Tunisians initiated by certain ministers and confirmed this evening by the President does not bode well. Admittedly, the societal and economic model must be rethought, adjusted and improved in the direction of greater justice and equity, but this is neither the time to do so, nor yet and above all the right way.

Tarak Lassadi, director of the Traveltodo travel agency

I'm an entrepreneur, I'm not a businessman!!

Mr. President, the state took 10 times more from me than I took from the state!!!!

I'm ready to challenge you, send us one of your collaborators, we show him in complete transparency our accounting since our creation and we will make a bet:

If we're right, you quit!!

Mr. President, know that I am not alone, thousands of companies are in my case, without which you will not be able to have your working capital of 130 million dinars (for a presidency which costs us very dearly, because not at all productive: no foreign investors brought in, no major projects announced...)

Why, Mr. President, don't you tell us about the billions of dinars circulating in the dark? In your place and if you talk about fairness, I start with these people, I don't start with companies that do tax optimization, or only pay half (which is forbidden, I grant you ), but it makes more sense to tap those who pay nothing first, then deal with those who only pay half!! Is not it ??

Why, Mr. President, don't you tell us about the billions of dinars in losses of public companies (paid by the taxpayer), because of your (the State) mismanagement?!

Business reactions to speech by Ka�s Sa�ed: the arsonist firefighter!

Why, Mr. President, don't you tell us about the billions of dinars that we can save, if we take a closer look at public procurement, the bribes of some of your colleagues, overbilling, poor management of human resources, overcrowded administrations, costly archaic management...

Mr. President, you are waging a fake war and it's a shame! Our common enemy is the Coronavirus!! We are too weak, we can no longer make other wars or revolution!!

Read Nelson Mandela please, and check out South Africa's economy today, learn from the successful ones!!

PS: you see that my letter is short, because I want to devote more time to action, my company is waiting for me...

Khaled Abdeljaoued, director in a telecom company of the OneTech group

In an ironic post, he wonders what is the definition of the word speculator on whom the President of the Republic wants to inflict the worst sanctions

Ahlem Hachicha Chaker, Senior Executive

I worked on my vocabulary. I learned a lot of new words tonight: taken aback, flabbergasted, dumbfounded, amazed, flabbergasted, stunned, stupefied, I would even say stunned.

How to tell you? I saw like you that the President is still waiting for the reactivation of his monthly telephone plan. He did something useful and something not useful to occupy his time. He freed prisoners. Yes, that's a good thing. Our prisons are full of people who don't belong there. And who shouldn't be there with this pandemic. The other trick? I cannot explain to you. He chaired the Security Council. He spoke. But there was a discrepancy between the image of the Chief of the Armies presiding over the Security Council and the words that came out of his mouth. In fact, it is clear that he does not distinguish between the coffee table in Mnihla and the Security Council table. Amazing.

What is nice to see, on the other hand, is to see that the President also made fricassees for confinement. He also gained weight. He too rounded off. At least we will be united on the bathroom scale, if not the budget scale.

We have been so united and wise in our confinement that we have been offered two more weeks. The first week was that of fricassees, cereal bread, pavlova. The 2nd week will be that of pizzas, bottarga pasta and lemon pie? By April 19, you'll be eating butter shells, right?

Karim Guellaty, director of technology companies and director of companies (including BN)

I listened to the speech of our President Kais Saied. Then I listened to it again. Then a third time. Then I fell into the bottom of my office chair where I still am (11:30 p.m. Ed).


We are going to war against a major, global health crisis.

And as we see the curve of the drama rising, as the numbers no longer multiply, but become exponential, as we know that the tribute to be paid to this virus will be heavy in lives and tragic in humans, we make Kais Saied, president of all Tunisians, serve this speech!!

Chief of armies, we are led to war by dividing us, suspecting some, incriminating others, victimizing some, accusing many.

Instead of reassuring, instead of encouraging, instead of helping, we make him shout at each other, but we don't make him do anything for anyone.

Our president elected by 73% of Tunisians, head of the armies, we are being led to war, made to take up arms, not against the virus he did not mention, but against other he was brought to trial without further ado as responsible for the hunger. (…)

When war breaks out, a leader arms and feeds his soldiers, his people. We expected announcements, measures, that he distributes to all of us the weapons that everyone needs. We made him content himself with explaining to us why we wouldn't have anything! In the speech that was written to him, he was neither a leader nor a state. A simple go to war who howled in the desert of misery, fear, death.

When the world was arming itself against the oncoming killer Covid-19, he was advised to hug everyone he met! When the world thought about how to manage this drama that was about to unfold, it was made to move heaven and earth to find out how a Franco-Israeli athlete had managed to come and play tennis in Tunisia.

Those who will die in Tunisia from the coronavirus, and it is with tears in my eyes that I write this, will die not as sick people, but as martyrs, thrown into the food of the virus by the President's advisers obsessed with the populism of the speech.

They wanted to present him as the spokesperson for the upcoming social rebellion. In French, there is an expression for that: the pyromaniac firefighter!

The people will judge him. History will ignore it. As for condemnation, he is entitled to those who advise him.

Mr. President, forget what you are advised, listen to yourself, adopt the function, take the posture, help us! All!