Overview at a party, a minister resigned

The main facts:

• worldwide, more than 300 million cases have been identified since December 2019 in 197Pays and Territories.Almost 5.6 million people died.

• Luxembourg has 1,53,435 confirmed coronaviruses among the resident population and 948 deaths.

• The United States is the country with the greatest number of deaths with 8,72,126, followed by Brazil (623843)), India (491127)) and Russia (328105Morts)).Among the hardest affected countries, Peru is the one that deplores the greatest number of deaths compared to its population, followed by Bosnia and Hungary.The World Health Organization considers, taking into account the excess mortality directly and indirectly linked to the covid, that the report of the pandemic could be two to three times higher than that officially identified.

• Follow in real time, on a map, the evolution of the situation in the world.

Monday January 31

7:47 am the party party party of Hong Kong resigns

A Hong KongMinister resigned onMonday after being seen in a birthday party with more than 200 people, when the authorities had asked the population to avoid rallies to prevent the propagation of the COVVI-19."I presented my resignation to the executive head and I intend to leave my post today," theMinister of Internal Affairs Caspar Tsui said in a statement in a statement.

"Being one of the main officials responsible for the fight against the epidemic, I did not give the best example," admitted the 45 -year -oldMinister.On January 3, more than 200convives participated in a Spanish tapas bar in Hong Kong in the birthday party of Witman Hung, the city representative in the National People's Assembly in China China.Many dignitaries, includingM.Tsui as well as the chiefs of the police and the anti -corruption agency, was among the guests.

The scandal broke out when, due to the presence at this party of a contaminated person in COVID -19, a large part of the participants - includingM.Tsui - were sent by the authorities to isolation in a quarantine camp, as is the rule in Hong Kong for all "contact cases".Even if the birthday party was not illegal, it took place three days after the city's health authorities had recommended the population to avoid large rallies.

Sunday January 30

9 p.m. The number of contaminations slightly decrease in France

More than 338,000 new cases of coronavirus infection (on average over 7 days)) were recorded in France on Sunday, according to figures from the health authorities, a figure that drops every day slightly from the middle of the week.

In 24 hours, 2,49448 new cases were recorded according to Public Health France (against 30,1614 last Sunday)).The average over 7 days amounts to 3,38052 cases.A peak had been reached Tuesday at 3,66179 cases (still on average over 7 days)).

The hypothesis of the start of a decline therefore seems to be confirmed, even if the number of cases remains at levels never seen before the arrival at the end of 2021 of the omicron variant, particularly contagious.

4 p.m. Canada: Surveys for desecration after anti-Cavid demonstrations

Demonstrators opposed to health measures continued their protest on the night of Saturday to Sunday in Ottawa, the capital of Canada, while criminal investigations were started in particular with the desecration of national monuments, announced the police.

"Ample crowds remained in the city center overnight and were actively managed by the police," the Ottawa police said in a statement on Sunday, adding that these "high risks" were "defused and setWithout arrests ".

Since Friday, the Canadian capital has been the scene of a large mobilization movement, initiated first by truckers who oppose the vaccination obligation to cross the border between Canada and the United States.

12h Bhutan, which has 4 dead in two years, redoubled with efforts

Bhutan has recorded this week a death of the COVVID this week, only the fourth in this Himalayan country so far widely spared by the pandemic, bringing the PrimeMinister to call the population not to lower the guard.

The fourth death "bitterly reminds us that we have to do more," said Bhutan PrimeMinister Lotay Tshering, a doctor known for performing surgical operations on weekends to forget the stress linked to his political responsibilities.The PrimeMinister indicated that Bhutan remains determined to eliminate the virus from its territory, the nation cannot afford to "lose citizens because of a preventable disease".

Like many countries around the world, Bhutan has recorded an increase in the number of people contaminated by the variant Omicron, highly contagious.

6h covid or not, these Chinese come in with the family for the New Year

New Years Eve of the Tiger will take place on January 31.It will be the kick -off of "the spring party", the most important family meeting of the year in China, the equivalent of Christmas in the Christian world.

China has largely controlled COVVID since spring 2020.And life has resumed its almost normal course for the majority of Chinese.But the occurrence in recent months of small epidemic foci all over the country has led to localized confinements and above all a recommendation from the authorities: limit travel to the strict necessary.

PCR tests at the start and arrival have become almost compulsory to travel.And some cities, against the opinion of the government, even impose quarantines on the arrival of travelers.What, however, dissuade potential candidates...But many are not discouraged.According to the press, the number of trips is much more important this year than in 2021.And Shanghai station was traveled all week with an almost uninterrupted flow of travelers.

4h Beijing has recorded the largest number of Covid cases since June 2020

Beijing recorded twenty new cases on Sunday, the greatest number since June 2020, according to the National Health Commission, when the Chinese capital is preparing to host the Winter Olympic Games (February 4-20)).These Olympics will take place in "closed loop" for the participants, in order to prevent any contact between them and the local population.

Saturday January 29

5:10 p.m. The duration of the recovery certificate soon reduced to 4 months in France

The duration of the recovery certificate, granted to people who have just been infected with the coronavirus, will be reduced to four months in France, against six currently, from February 15, said theMinistry of Health.

The recovery certificate is granted to people who have been infected with SARS-COV-2 and who must wait before receiving a dose of anti-COVVID vaccine.This certificate is integrated into the vaccination pass, which has replaced the health pass since January 24.

"After your last vaccine injection, or your last infection" to the virus, "the time to make a recall dose is three months," said the ministry on Saturday."You have one month's beat to make your recall dose," it was added.The recovery certificate will therefore now be lasting four months.

This measure applies to people over 18 and a month old.Adolescents aged 16 and 17 do not have the obligation to make their dose of recall to keep their vaccination pass, even if it is recommended to them.15 years and under are not subject to the vaccination pass.

According to estimates by theMinistry of Health of this very end of January, some 7 million people, not vaccinated or without the dose of recall, risk losing their vaccination pass on February 15.

11:40 am Russia passes the bar of 100,000 daily infections, a record

Russia exceeded on Saturday for the first time the symbolic bar of 100,000 daily infections in COVVI-19, a record that illustrates the strength of the new wave due to the variant Omicron, very contagious.

According to government figures, 113,122 new cases have been recorded in recent 24 hours, and 668 people died.The capital,Moscow, remains the main center of the epidemic in Russia with 2,6488 new infections and 76 new deaths.

3:30 am The vaccine pass extended to French Polynesia from February 8

The vaccination pass will be extended to French Polynesia from February 8 for all people aged 16 and over, according to a decree of the High Commissioner of the Republic published in the Official Journal in this Ultra-Marine community.

This vaccine pass will replace the required sanitary pass for travel between Tahiti and other Polynesian archipelagos, concerts and nightclubs, exhibitions and fairs welcoming more than 50 exhibitors, fairgrounds of more than 30 stands, or most activitiesand cultural, artistic, dancing and festive events.

Friday January 28

10:04 pm The peak of the 5th wave crossed in Canada

Canada considers that it has reached the peak of the 5th wave of COVVI-19 after having broken contamination records in recent weeks, public health authorities announced on Friday."Infections have reached a nationwide peak," said Dr Theresa Tam, chief public health administrator of Canada, even if "the number of cases reported daily remains at record levels and still constitutes a sub-stimation of the actual number of infections ».

At a press conference, theMinister of Health Jean-Yves Duclos asked Canadians to "continue to be caution" even if, he continued, "the worst of Omicron is perhapsbehind us".In recent days, the country has recorded more than 19,000 cases daily, which corresponds to a decrease of 28% compared to the previous week.The decline concerns all age groups.

9:06 pm The covid plunges Russia into a demographic abyss

One million less inhabitants in one year...Russia never ceases to dive into a demographic abyss, aggravated by the COVID, a crisis that Vladimir Putin managed to stop despite two decades of births to the birth rate.Last year, the Russian giant lost 1.04 million inhabitants, compared to 688,700 in 2020, a fall to be essentially on the account of mortality which jumped 15.1%, the birth rate knowing only oneslight drop.

The COVVI-19 appears as the number 1 murderer, the Rosstat Statistics Agency having counted in 2020 and 2021 more than 6,60,000 deaths linked to the new coronavirus.It is almost double the official assessment communicated daily by the government, which is 329443 to date.This assessment is explained by a very slow vaccination campaign, the virtual absence of containment measures since spring 2020 and a general non-compliance with health measures such as wearing the mask in public transport.

The cost is all the heavier for the country since it has been struggling for thirty years with a demographic crisis.

2:18 p.m. of the backed baccalaureate pushed fromMarch toMay in France

The baccalaureate's specialty tests, scheduled from 14 to 16 marchs, are postponed to mid-May due to the COVID-19 epidemic, theMinistry of National Education announced on Friday after aMeeting with union representatives."The written tests of specialty of the general and technological baccalaureate are postponed toMay 11, 12 and 13," the ministry said in a press release.

"The test program will be the same as that set for the month ofMarch.The candidates will therefore have no more themes to revise, but only more time to work the initial program, ”detailed the ministry.

1:29 p.m. A majority of COVID deaths linked to Omicron in France

Omnipresent for several weeks in contamination, the variant Omicron is now linked to more than one in two deaths with COVID-19 at the hospital, according to figures published on Friday, by theMinistry of Health.Present in 99% of positive PCR tests, 88% of conventional hospital entries and 79% of admissions to critical care, Omicron also concerned 57% of the deaths "occurred in the hospital with COVVI-19" during the week of 17 toJanuary 23.

Over the same period, Public Health France identified 1598 decency linked to the COVID at the hospital.Fortunately, Omicron "appears much less lethal", infected patients with a "risk of died after having passed to the hospital reduced by more than half".And this, "whatever their vaccination protection".

Non-vaccinated people nevertheless remain overrepresented in "Events related to COVVI-19": counting for 8% of the total population for over 20 years, they totaled 16% of positive tests, 39% of conventional hospital entries, 54% of admissions to critical care and 46% of deaths between the 20december and January 16.

9:57 am The Philippines want to revive their tourism sector

The Philippines will reopen their borders to vaccinated tourists and lift the quarantine obligation from February 10, the authorities announced on Friday, the authorities.This measure is intended to bring a puff of oxygen to the Philippine tourism sector, devastated by almost two years of border closure.

As of February 10, travelers from 157Pays will be able to make short stays in the archipelago.Tourists fully vaccinated from the countries appearing on this list will have to present a negative screening test and will not have to carry out quarantine upon arrival.

This list does not understand China, Taiwan and India.But it includes the United States, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Canada and Great Britain, which are among the ten largest markets.Non-vaccinated foreigners will be prohibited from entering the territory from February 16, said the presidency spokesperson Karlo Nograles, during a press point.

Tourism is an important engine of the Philippines economy.It represented almost 13% of the gross domestic product (GDP)) in 2019, the year when the archipelago welcomed more than eight million visitors, according to official figures.This rate collapsed at 5.4% last year.

7 am Finland starts the gradual lifting of restrictions

The Finnish government announced Thursday that some of the coronavirus restrictions would be lifted earlier than expected, while pressure on the health system decreases despite the Omicron wave that sweeps the European continent."The burden on hospitals remains high, but the most serious cases are declining and the situation has improved in the field of intensive care," wrote theMinister of Health, Hanna Sarkkinen, in a statement publishedon Twitter.

From February 1, restrictions on cultural and sports events and low -risk businesses will be reduced.From the beginning of next month, restaurants will be able to stay open until 9 p.m., three hours more than what is currently authorized, the government said in a statement.The bars will always have to close at 6 p.m. and stop serving alcohol at 5 p.m..

6:47 am the boss of the positive paralympic international committee

The president of the Paralympic International Committee (CIP)) Andrew Parsons announced on Friday that it had been tested positive for the COVVI-19 and that he will not go to Beijing for the 2022 Olympic Games (February 4-20)).

"Really disappointed, I will not be able to attend the Olympic Games, because I was tested positive for the COVVI-19," said the Brazilian on Twitter."While I will be in isolation, I will focus on my healing and the preparation of the Paralympic Games, and watch the Olympic TV tests," continued the boss of the CIP.Paralympic games will take place fromMarch 4 to 13 in Beijing.

Aperçu à une fête, un ministre a démissionné

6:32 amMorocco will reopen its airspace

TheMoroccan government has decided to reopen from February 7, the air space at the start and to the country, after more than two months of closure, according to a statement released Thursday evening by the officialMAP agency.The borders of the Cherifian kingdom have been closed since November 29 due to the flambé of the Omicron variant.

6 hours more than 1,10,000 COVID dead in France

The threshold of the 1,10000 deaths linked to the COVVI-19 was crossed on Thursday in France, less than two years after the start of the epidemic, according to the public health figures France, which still identified nearly 400,000 new cases in 24 hours.

The macabre meter continues to turn: since the start of the epidemic, 1,10015 people infected with the COVVI-19 have died in the hospital, in retirement homes or in other medico-social establishments.268 more than the day before.At the same time, the virus is still largely circulating, with 3,92168 new contaminations.Over the last seven days, the daily average is over 3,60,000 cases.

Thursday January 27

7:40 p.m. Sweden does not recommend vaccination of 5-11 year olds

Sweden has chosen not to recommend the 5-11 year old vaccination against the COVVI-19, the health authorities announced on Thursday, in reverse of many European countries.The Nordic country, which has often been against the current during the pandemic in its strategy against the COVVID, recommended vaccination only for children at risk.

"Vaccines are safe, these are very good vaccines, but we focus on the child's medical benefits individually and we do not consider that the profits are large enough to recommend the vaccination of the whole group," saidto AFP Britta Björklund, in charge of the file to the Swedish public health authority.

6 p.m. the Indian capital softens its measures against the COVVI

The capital of India announced Thursday a relaxation of the restrictions linked to the COVVI-19 and the end of the curfew imposed on weekends since the beginning of January, after a slowdown in positive cases in the country.

Local authorities have removed the gauges imposed in the markets and allowed restaurants to reopen their doors.A night curfew will however remain in force for all residents of the capital, with the exception of essential workers.

"Given the drop in the number of positive cases, it was decided to gradually soften the restrictions while ensuring compliance with barriers," said New Delhi Lieutenant-Governor, Anil Baijal.

India recorded Thursday 573 deaths and more than 285,000 new cases, a considerable drop in relation to the figures recorded a week earlier.

4:30 p.m. Canada: Trudeau must be in quarantine

Canadian PrimeMinister Justin Trudeau announced Thursday that it was in contact and that he would remain in isolation for 5 days, in accordance with the health rules in force in Ontario for people vaccinated.

"Last night, I learned that I was exposed to COVVI-19.The result of my quick test was negative, "he said on Twitter."I feel good and I will work at home," he added.

He will therefore not be physically present when taking over the activities in the House of Commons onMonday.The PrimeMinister, who is 50 years old and received his third dose against the COVVI-19 in early January, once again called the Canadians to be vaccinated.

3:15 pm The European regulator approves the pfizer anti-Cavid pill

The EuropeanMedicines Agency (EMA)) said on Thursday, having approved the pfizer anti-Cavid pill, which becomes the first antiviral drug taken by the European Union orally..EMA "recommended that PAXLOVIVVA are allowed for the treatment of COVID-19 in adults who do not need additional oxygen and who have an increased risk that the disease becomes serious," said the European regulator, ina statement.

2:15 p.m. Catalonia removes the health pass

The Spanish Region of Catalonia has decided to end on Friday, the obligation to present a sanitary pass to enter bars, restaurants and sports halls, deeming it not very effective in the face of the great contagion of Omicron."An important part of the population is again likely to be infected with the virus", because of omicron, "regardless of its vaccination status or to have already contracted the disease", justified, in a press release, the regional government thus following the opinion of its expert committee.

"Consequently, the efficiency of the compulsory use of the COVVID certificate decreases," he added.This decision was published Thursday, in the regional official newspaper.The health pass is in effect to enter bars, restaurants and sports halls since the end of November, in Catalonia, tourist region of 7.7 million inhabitants.

12:44 p.m. Hong Kong reduces forty travelers at two weeks

Hong Kong announced Thursday that the quarantine compulsory at the hotel for travelers from abroad, one of the longest in the world, will be reduced by three to two weeks from February 5.At the end of these fourteen days, travelers will have to observe a period of "self-control" for seven days, said the leader of Hong Kong, Carrie Lam.This decision is "purely based on science", in view of the shorter incubation period of the new variant omicron, she said.

11:46 Washington promises 1.7 million doses of vaccines at Uganda

The United States will deliver 16,84,800 doses of the Pfizer vaccine against COVID at Uganda, via the COVAX international mechanism, a White House official said on Thursday.

The White House insisted, as it always does by announcing these operations, on the fact that these gifts of vaccines were made "without condition", implying that this is not necessarily the case for those made byothers, especially China.

The United States has promised to donate more than a billion doses to poor countries, 400 million have already been shipped.

11:15 a.m. a little less tests in France

Nearly 11 million COVVI-19 screening tests were carried out last week, confirming the slight decline observed since the start of the school year in January.The peak of the tests is passed: with 10.65 million PCR and antigenic screenings validated between January 17 and 23, against 11.32millions the previous week, the demand "decreases for the second consecutive week", notes the Statistics Department (Drees)) in a press release.

After nine weeks of continuous increase-All Saints' Day until the start of the school year in January-This reflux particularly concerns children and young adults, while figures stabilize in all age groups above 25 years.The invoice is already heavy for health insurance: tests should cost 1.6 billion euros just in January.

10 am at this stage, a 4th dose is not justified

A fourth dose of anti-Cavid vaccine is not justified at this stage, judges the guidance council of the vaccination strategy (COSV)), which will however be able to review its position if scientific data evolve."The available data does not currently call for the implementation of a second vaccination reminder (Editor's note: which, in fact, would most often be a fourth dose)), although the question is made legitimate by the current context ofstrong viral circulation ”, estimates this advisory body, in an opinion dated January 19 and published on Wednesday.

7 am England abandons most of the restrictions

England left behind on Thursday, almost all of the last restrictions in force to combat the COVVI-19, with which, hopes the government, the population will get used to living as it does with the flu.This wind of freedom is very timely for PrimeMinister Boris Johnson, more than ever weakened at the head of the government by the holiday scandal at Downing Street, in defiance of the anti-coronavirus rules.

After putting an end, a week ago, to the recommendation to work at home for those who can, England now abandons the other restrictions - among the lightest in Europe - introduced in December against the surge ofOmicron case: obligation to wear the inside mask in public places and the vaccination passport for events welcoming a large audience.

00hModerna began the tests of a specific vaccine recall against Omicron

The American companyModerna announced on Wednesday that it started the clinical trials of a dose of vaccine recall designed specifically against the variant omicron.These trials will include a total of 600 adults, half of whom have already received two doses of theModerna vaccine at least six months ago, and the other received not only these two initial doses but also, at least three months ago, the recall dose already authorized.

The specific reminder against omicron will therefore be both evaluated as the third, or fourth dose.The company also expressed results relating to the efficiency, against Omicron, of the recall already authorized.According to the company, six months after the injection of the recall, the levels of neutralizing antibodies against omicron were reduced by six compared to the peak observed 29 days after the bite, but remained detectable in all participants.

Wednesday January 26

10 p.m. in Prague, doctors have given up on protection outfits

Doctors taking care of the patients of COVVI-19 at the Prague University Hospital, have decided not to wear protective holding for a year, a practice that persists despite the dissemination of the very contagious varying omicron, revealed on Wednesday, ahead of the establishment.

The nursing staff of Prague University Hospital only have masks, gloves when they have to touch a patient, and occasionally plastic aprons.

"We abandoned the protective outfits a year ago because they facilitate the spread of bacteria, viruses and mold among patients, which aggravated mortality rates,"Martin told AFP on WednesdayMartin on WednesdayBalik, chief doctor of the intensive care unit.

The risk for medical staff was small because the vast majority of caregivers have been vaccinated, he said.

9:55 p.m. Italy will lighten its restrictions for EU travelers

Italy will alleviate anti-Cavid restrictions for travelers from European Union countries, from February, requiring proof of vaccination, recent healing or negative test but more quarantine's obligation.

Under the decree signed by theMinister of Health, Roberto Speranza on Tuesday the vaccination pass will be sufficient, from next month, for travelers from other EU countries.

This vaccination pass, baptized in Italy "reinforced health", is only obtained with a complete vaccination cycle or after healing of CO.

9:45 p.m. A US governor improvises a teacher to help schools

The American state governor of NewMexico was improvised on Wednesday to help schools faced with a shortage of teachers, due to the outbreak of contamination by the variant Omicron.

DemocratMichelle Lujan Grisham, a lawyer by training and who has no experience in teaching, has returned to school as a replacement institrator in an elementary school in Santa Fe, said her services.

Ms. Grisham had launched an initiative last week intended to recruit volunteer teachers to replace those contaminated with COVVI-19, and thus maintain as many schools and crèches open as possible.

9 p.m. Tunisia: two-week prolonged night curl

The Tunisian government announced, Wednesday, the extension for two additional weeks of a night curfew imposed since January 13, faced with the meteoric resumption of the Covid-19 in the country in the country.

At a meeting of the Council ofMinisters, the government decided to extend "for two additional weeks", the measures taken "in response to the evolution of the pandemic situation" and after "examination of the recommendations of the scientific council",announced the government, by press release.

A curfew is in place from 10 p.m. (9 p.m. GMT)) until 5 a.m. (4h GMT)) and all public rallies or demonstrations "in open or closed spaces" are "postponed or canceled".

5:41 pm France "not yet at the peak" of the omicron wave

The government spokesperson Gabriel Attal, recalled Wednesday that France had still not left the Covid wave linked to the variant Omicron but that the government was holding "its course" for the end of the restrictions."Omicron continues to gain ground, and we are not yet at the peak," said Gabriel Attal at the report of the Council ofMinisters.

"We are defeating Delta, who continues his very clear reflux and represents only 2% of contamination.[...] On the other hand, the Omicron wave still circulates at a frantic speed, "he said.According to France's public health figures, 366,000 cases per day have been identified on average over the last seven days and a new record was reached Tuesday with 50,1635 new cases of COVVI-19 in 24h00.

But faced with an epidemic of Covid-19 which has "changed in nature", Gabriel Attal explained that "what the scientists tell us, what the figures show us, which increases the drop in cases in Ile-deFrance is that we can hope to see the epidemic back in the coming weeks ”.

2:52 p.m. Austria puts an end to the confinement of non -vacinated

Austria announced on Wednesday, the upcoming lifting of the containment of non -vacinated people, even if they will soon become out of law with the entry into force of compulsory vaccination against COVVI-19.

Since mid-November, those who have not received an injection or who cannot present antibody certificates testifying to a recent infection have in theory no longer the right to leave their home.Except to work, do their food shopping, sport or for medical care.

As ofMonday, they will find their full freedom of movement.However, they will remain excluded from restaurants, hotels, cultural and sports places that require a vaccination pass.This central European country had opted for this drastic restriction in the face of the outbreak of cases and the risk of saturation of intensive care services.

1:43 p.m. The Armenian Head of Government tested positive

Armenian PrimeMinister Nikol Pachinian isolated himself after being tested positive for the new coronavirus, the government of this ex-Soviet republic said on Wednesday on Wednesday.He and his family had already been contaminated at the Coronavirus, in June 2020.

1:31 p.m. Emirates send a million doses of Gaza vaccine

One million doses of the Russian anticoronavirus vaccine Spoutnik were delivered on Wednesday, to the Gaza Strip, a donation from the United Arab Emirates to the Palestinian enclave confronted with an increase in contamination by the variant omicron.The batch of vaccines, the most important sent to the Palestinian territory since the start of the pandemic, was sent via the Rafah crossing point between Egypt and Gaza, before being stored in warehouses of theMinistry of Healthof Hamas, Islamist movement in power in Palestinian territory.

These doses will be intended as a priority for schoolchildren over 12 years old.With the lot of Wednesday, around 2.9 million doses were sent to Gaza in total, but only 57,8665habitants, out of 2.3 million, received two doses of vaccine, according to data from local authorities.These officially identified 197,000 people contaminated since the start of the pandemic, some 1,750 of which died.

12:25 pm The IMF thinks that China should soften its measures

China on Wednesday judged "remarkable" its economic performance on Wednesday, the day after a IMF call in Beijing to soften its anti-Cavid Draconian measures which make the institution weigh a risk on the global recovery.

In an interview Tuesday at AFP, the deputy director general of the InternationalMonetary Fund (IMF)), Gita Gopinath, said that China should "readjust" its strategy to combat COVVI-19.From the appearance of a case, the authorities carry out massive and repeated screening of the population, restrict movement or even impose confinements when the number of cases is too large.These measures allowed the Asian giant to contain the virus in the spring of 2020 and to find an almost normal life.But they weigh heavily on the activity.

11:45 am Armenia: the PrimeMinister isolates himself after a positive covid test

Armenian PrimeMinister Nikol Pachinian isolated himself after being tested positive for the new coronavirus, the government of this Caucasus country said on Wednesday in a press release.

"The Armenian PrimeMinister has passed a coronavirus test, which has proven to be positive," the government said in the statement published on his official Facebook page.M.Pachinian does not have symptoms of COVVID and will continue to work remotely during his isolation, according to the same source.Nikol Pachinian and his family have already been contaminated at the Coronavirus in June 2020.Since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, this ex-Soviet republic with a population of approximately three million inhabitants has officially recorded 3,55,662 cases of coronavirus and 8.033 deaths.

10:33 am Denmark wants to raise its restrictions next Tuesday

Denmark intends to raise its anti-Cavid restrictions, on February 1, despite a record number of new cases, judging its strong sufficient vaccination coverage, announced the Minister of Health, in a letter made public on Wednesday.

«Je souhaite que la catégorisation du Covid-19 comme maladie menaçante pour la société soit supprimée, à compter du 1er février 2022», y écritMagnus Heunicke, ce qui entraîne de facto la levée de toutes les restrictions nationales actuellement en vigueur comme le port du masque ou la fermeture anticipée des bars et restaurants.

7 am Peru cross the 3 million cases

Perui exceeded Tuesday the threshold of three million confirmed cases at COVVI-19, or 10% of the population, in the middle of the third wave caused by the variant OMICRON, according to the Ministry of Health.The country recorded a total of 30,20756 cases and 204587 decency in a country of 33 million inhabitants, according to the latest available data from the ministry.

Parmi les personnes récemment infectées figure le numéro deux du gouvernement péruvien,Mirtha Vasquez.Four other ministers, including that of health, also contracted the COVVI-19.The Minister of Health, Hernando Cevallos, said this weekend that the variant Omicron represented 95% of cases in Lima, which has a third of the Peruvian population, and 92% at the national level.

6:07 am The "overall risk" linked to omicron always very high, warns the WHO

The level of risk linked to the Omicron variant remains very high, estimated the World Health Organization (WHO)) in its weekly bulletin, the number of contamination in COVVI-19 having reached a new record last week.

"Based on the data currently available, the overall risk linked to Omicron remains very high," warned the organization."More than 21 million new cases have been recorded (these last seven days)), which represents the largest number of weekly cases identified since the start of the pandemic," she said.

4:55 am Quebec announces a beginning of discontent

After a month of closure, Quebec restaurants will be able to reopen next Monday at 50% of their capacity and the cinemas and show rooms will be able to do the same a week later, the government of the province announced.

Young people under the age of 18 will also be allowed on Monday to start sports and Quebecers will be able to welcome people at home, up to four people or two families on Monday, up to four people or two families.The Canadian French -speaking province had reinstated very strict rules at the end of 2021 due to the rise in the omicron variant and hospitalizations.

Tuesday January 25

9:12 p.m. Biden administration withdraws the vaccination obligation in large companies

The administration of President Joe Biden formally withdrew, on Tuesday, the obligation to vaccination in companies with more than 100 employees, taking note of the veto issued by the United States Supreme Court.The Agency for Occupational Health and Safety (OSHA)) announced this withdrawal in a short press release, without mentioning the decision of the High Court which did not leave it.

She clarified "strongly encouraging employees to vaccinate against the permanent dangers posed by the COVID-19 in the workplace".In the United States, where the virus has left more than 8,70,000 dead, only 63% of the population is completely vaccinated due to very marked political fractures on the issue.

8 p.m. Reopening of catering and culture in the Netherlands

The Dutch government, put under pressure, announced the reopening under conditions from Wednesday of bars, restaurants and cultural places in the Netherlands, where the health restrictions against the COVVI-19 were among the strictest in Europe.

L'exécutif a pris la décision de lever le «confinement», mis en place juste avant Noël, en réponse aux «grandes tensions» dans les secteurs de la restauration et de la culture, a déclaré mardi le Premier ministreMark Rutte.

«Nous faisons aujourd'hui un grand pas pour déconfiner davantage les Pays-Bas», a ditM.Rutte during a press conference in The Hague, adding that the government was taking a "risk" due to the record number of new cases of contamination.

7 p.m. Voyages in the EU: Agreement of 27 to avoid imposing tests on vaccinated

The twenty-seven agreed to better coordinate the rules applicable to travel within the European Union and to avoid imposing restrictions on holders of a European health certificate, as some countries have faced theemergence of omicron.Several countries, of which Italy or Denmark demand that travelers, even vaccinated against COVID-19, have negative tests to enter their territory.

"Travelers in possession of a valid EU digital COVVID certificate should not be subject to additional restrictions on free movement," said the EU council in a press release.During a meeting in Brussels, European affairs ministers adopted a new recommendation - a legally non -binding act - to coordinate on the measures affecting free movement.

This recommendation will come into force on February 1, as well as the measure fixing at nine months (270 days)) the period of validity of vaccination certificates, for lack of a dose of recall, for travel in the Union.

2:11 p.m. The agreement of a single parent is enough to vaccinate a child in France

The agreement of a single parent becomes sufficient in France to vaccinate the 5-11 year olds against the COVVI-19, announced Tuesday the Ministry of Health which seeks to take off the vaccination in children.At first, the agreement of a single parent was sufficient.Then, on January 6, the ministry indicated that the written agreement of the two parents became necessary, in accordance with a request from the Council of State.

This requirement had aroused the regrets of certain experts, deeming it useless and counterproductive.By lightening this rule, the government tries to relaunch vaccination in this age group.She remains very minority there, just over 2,000,000 children under eleven years old having been vaccinated on more than five million than France has.

12:50 pm Pfizer begins the clinical trial of an omicron vaccine

The Pfizer-Biontech alliance began recruitment for a clinical trial which aims to test, on adults aged 55 and under, the security and immune response of their COVVI-19 vaccine, which specifically aims for the omicron variant,The two companies announced on Tuesday.If current data indicate that the recall doses of the original vaccine protect against the serious forms of omicron, the company prefers to act by excess of prudence, estimated the manager of vaccines at Pfizer, Kathrin Jansen, in the press release.

"We recognize the importance of being ready in the event that this protection decreases over time, and helping to face Omicron and other variants in the future," she said.The boss of the American laboratory Pfizer, Albert Bourla, said in early January that the pharmaceutical giant could be ready to ask for the authorizations of the new vaccine, which aims for this variant of the COVVI-19, from March.

10:40 am "I see things rather around mid-March"

The president of the French scientific council, Jean-François DELFRAISSY, sees the current phase of the epidemic of COVID-19 "land" around mid-March, and believes that there is a "before and an OMICRON",-Ali indicated Tuesday on France Info."It is a more transmissible but much less severe, much less severe virus," he said."So that means that in our software, we have to change".

According to the president of the organization who advises the government in the face of the health crisis, the "wave is not trivial, not over, but it is different, and our management must be different".According to him, the "wave on hospitalization will be very heavy probably until mid-March, it will drop a little likely in the Paris region but this will not be the case everywhere"."I see rather things to land at mid-March, with a very slow gradual drop in hospitalizations and a number of contamination that will slowly drop, with heterogeneity according to the region," he continued.

The president of the scientific council, however, risked a forecast for the rest of the epidemic: "We can imagine that we pass (RA)) the spring in not too bad conditions"."There will surely be something in the fall" but everything will depend on the "type of variant"."If he is transmissible and again severe, we would be again in a very boring situation," he concluded.

8:12 am eruption to the Tonga: the aid braked by COVIVS cases

A COVID-19 home on a Australian military ship threatens to disrupt the arrival of international aid in the Tonga Islands on Wednesday following the eruption and the murderous tsunami which killed three people and affected more than 80% of thearchipelago population.The Canberra authorities said that 23 (Cavid-19 Covid-19cas had been detected from the crew of the HMAS Adelaide War Ship, which heads for the capital Nuku’Alofa.

The Tonga Islands, an isolated kingdom of 100,000habitants, are one of the rare places in the world where no case of covid has yet been detected since the start of the pandemic.The Australian Defense Minister Peter Dutton said that the ship would remain at sea during discussions with the Tongian authorities to find out if the crew would try "contactless" delivery of long -awaited products.

6:53 a.m. extended confinements in the Pacific Islands in the face of the multiplication of cases

The Samoa and Solomon Islands extended their confinements on Tuesday, facing a pandemic of Covid-19 which continues to worsen in the isolated isolated nations of the Pacific, which had hitherto been spared by the virus.

6:46 am In Greece, the monks of Mont Athos have paid a heavy tribute at Covid for two years

In Mont Athos, more than 40 lesss died of the Covid since the start of the pandemic two years ago, the administration of this community said in the north of Greece.Like many dignitaries of the Orthodox Church in Greece, who have lagged behind in the application of anti-COVVID rules and their vaccination, these monks remain very reluctant to the idea of vaccination.

"Only 30% of Mount Athos' 1,700 moles have completed their vaccination," according to the deputy civilian administrator of the community, Aristos Kasmiroglou.Justice opened a preliminary investigation last week to identify anti -tax monks, according to a judicial source.In Greece, vaccination against COVVI-19 is compulsory for people over 60 years old and for certain trades, doctors or teachers, but not for religious dignitaries.

6h31 Les États-Unis donnent 2 millions de doses au Kenya et à laMauritanie

Les États-Unis vont fournir près de 2millions de doses de vaccin contre le Covid-19 au Kenya et à laMauritanie, a annoncé lundi un responsable de laMaison-Blanche.These doses are sent via the Covax international mechanism, set up for poor countries, and should arrive at their destination on Monday.

The government of Joe Biden has promised to donate more than 1 billion doses to poor countries, 390 million have now been shipped.

5h16 Brussels: 239 people arrested in anti-restriction demonstrations

Belgian police announced Monday that they had 2,39 arrests after the demonstration against anti-Cavid health restrictions which degenerated into violence on Sunday in Brussels.Among these arrests, eleven people were placed in police custody for "weapon detention, rebellion against the police and/or degradations".

The parade gathered some 50,000 people on Sunday in Brussels, according to the authorities.This is the biggest mobilization in the street of opponents to restrictions never recorded in Belgium for two years.

Monday January 24

2:30 p.m. End of compulsory screening for vaccinated travelers entering England

The British government announced, on Monday, to lift the obligation to carry out a COVVI-19 screening for fully vaccinated travelers arriving in England.

Until now, fully vaccinated travelers must book a Test (antigenic or PCR)) of the COVVI-19 to carry out after their arrival.Those who are not fully vaccinated must do a test before their departure, then two PCR tests after their arrival, and must isolate themselves for ten days.

2 p.m. Italy has reached the peak of the Omicron wave, according to a manager

Italy "seems to have reached the peak" of the omicron wave which "is going back down," said the vaccination campaign coordinator on Monday on Monday. «Il y a de bonnes nouvelles: il semble que nous ayons atteint le pic de la courbe (du variant)) Omicron et qu'elle soit en train de descendre», a déclaré le général Francesco Paolo Figliuolo, lors d'une visite àMilan (nord)), cité par l'agence Ansa.

"We hope that this trend will be confirmed," he added, considering "a good omen" that "these last two days, the number of admissions to the hospital has been lower than the number of outings".

1:30 pm "End of the acute phase of the pandemic this year"

The World Health Organization (WHO)) sees the end of the tunnel."We can end the acute phase of the pandemic this year.We can end COVVI-19 as a global health area, "said Director General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

To do this, countries must, among other things, fight against vaccination iniquity, monitor the virus and its variants and take appropriate restriction measures, he explained, on the occasion of the opening of the Executive Committee of the'WHO, which meets this week, in Geneva.

He nevertheless warns that "it is dangerous to assume that I will be the last varying or to speak of the end of the game", because the conditions are "ideal", currently in the world, so that other variants emerge.

8:15 am The vaccine pass comes into force in France

Criticized weapon of the government against the omicron variant, the vaccination pass replaces on Monday, the sanitary pass, and becomes compulsory for people over the age of 16 wishing to go to the restaurant or take the train.

From this Monday, a negative test is no longer enough, except to access health establishments and services: it is necessary to justify for the over 16 years of a vaccination status against the COVVI-19, in order to have access to activitiesleisure, restaurants and bars (except collective catering)), interregional public fairs or transport (planes, trains, cars)).

6:10 am in Hong Kong, only one hamster tested positive

The Hong Kongs authorities said on Sunday that one of the 77 hamsters handed by their owners had been tested positive for the COVID-19 as part of the slaughter campaign set up after the appearance of positive cases in aCity pet store.

More than 2,000 hamsters were killed as a precautionary title "after some of them, imported from the Netherlands by a local pet store, were tested positive for COVI.

Sunday January 23

6:13 pm with omicron, an end of the pandemic in "plausible" Europe

The Omicron variant, which could contaminate 60% of Europeans by March, began a new phase of the Cavid-19 pandemic in the region and could bring it closer to its outcome, said the director of WHO Europe on Sunday."It is plausible that the region is getting closer to an end of the pandemic," HansKluge told AFP, however calling for caution due to the versatility of the virus.

"Once the Omicron wave is calmed, for a few weeks and a few months there will be overall immunity, or thanks to the vaccine, or because people will be immune due to infection and also a drop due to seasonality", He said.However, we are not in "an endemic era," said the UN official."Endemic means (...)) that we can predict what will happen, this virus has surprised more than once. Nous devons donc être très prudents», a insistéM.Kluge.

In the region which has 53 countries, some of which are located in Central Asia, Omicron represented on January 18, 15% of the new cases of COVVID, more than half that the previous week, according to OMS data.In the European Union and the European Economic Area (EEE)), this variant appeared at the end of November, more contagious than the Delta, is now dominant according to the European Health Agency.With the explosion of contamination, it is now a question of "minimizing disturbances and protecting vulnerable people" and no longer of focusing only on the decrease in transmission.

12:20 p.m. New Zealand: the Prime Minister postpones her marriage

The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, was forced to announce the postponement of her marriage on Sunday, due to the new restrictions decided by her government to face the resurgence of the Epidemia of Covid-19 andIts omicron variant.

The emergence of nine cases of contaminations to the omicron variant in the same family having traveled between several cities to go to a wedding, as well as that of a personnel sailing on one of the flights that this family borrowed, led the neo government-zélandais to impose new restrictions from this Sunday.

11h record of infections in Russia for the third consecutive day

Russia announced, on Sunday, a new daily record for Coronavirus contaminations for the third consecutive day, a spread due to the very contagious omicron variant.The most mourning countries in Europe by the COVVI-19, Russia recorded 63,205 new cases, after counting 57,212 on Saturday and 49,513 Friday, according to figures from the government.

La capitaleMoscou, épicentre de l'épidémie dans le pays, a également enregistré un nouveau record, pour le quatrième jour d'affilée, avec 17 528 nouveaux cas.

9h30 La ministre françaiseMarlène Schiappa testée positive

La ministre française déléguée chargée de la Citoyenneté,Marlène Schiappa, a annoncé dimanche être positive au Covid-19, précisant qu'elle continuerait «d'assurer (ses)) fonctions à distance».

Saturday January 22

8:56 p.m. Low mobilization of vaccination anti-passers in France

Demonstrations against the vaccination pass, which comes into force Monday in France, took place on Saturday in several cities in the country, bringing together a few thousand people who came to defend their "freedom".This was the case in Paris where, after a demonstration in the morning of yellow vests, the far -right movement the patriots mobilized 5,200 -supporters to the vaccination obligation.

D’autres manifestations ont eu lieu dans le sud de la France, comme à Aix-en-Provence (700personnes, selon la police)),Montpellier (950)),Marseille (1200)) ou Bordeaux (450)), mais aussi dans le nord du pays (300 personnes à Lille)) ou dans l’est (600 à Strasbourg)).

8:34 p.m. more than 10,000 people protested the pass in Stockholm and Gothenborg

Thousands of people demonstrated against the vaccination pass on Saturday in the two largest cities in Sweden.About 9000 people, according to the media, paraded in the streets of Stockholm, while in Göteborg, the second city in the country, another parade gathered around 1,500 people.

The Scandinavian country, which is fighting against an unprecedented wave of infections, with around 40,000cas reported per day for a week, has introduced the vaccination pass the 1st grave, compulsory for indoor events of more than 50 people.Some demonstrators displayed brands of extremist groups such as the NMR neonazi group and had covered their face to avoid being identified.A number of Stockholm vaccination centers had closed early Saturday, as a precaution.

6:06 p.m. Opponents of the vaccination pass demonstrated in France

In France, opponents of the vaccination pass paraded in the streets of several cities on Saturday, two days before its entry into force, demanding "freedom" and castigating "apartheid" imposed according to them by the government between vaccinated and non-vaccinated.

From Monday, it will be necessary to be able to justify for the over 16 years of a vaccination status to access leisure activities, restaurants and bars, fairs or interregional public transport.A negative test will no longer be enough, except to access health establishments and services.

11:05 am new daily record of infections in Russia

Russia announced on Saturday a new daily record of Coronavirus contaminations for the second consecutive day, while the Kremlin warned the risks linked to the very contagious variant omicron.The most bereaved countries in Europe by the COVVI-19, Russia recorded 5,7212 new cases, after counting 49513 the day before, according to government figures.

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned last week that his country had two weeks to prepare before being struck by this variant, calling for accelerating screening and vaccination.Contagions have been increasing in recent days, suggesting a particularly strong wave.In Russia, which barely emerges from a particularly deadly wave caused by the variant Delta, the authorities are still struggling to convince the Russians to go and be vaccinated.

10h green light in France for the Paxlovid, the anti-COVVIV-19 pill

The High Authority for Health (HAS)) gave its green light on Friday to the use of the antiviral Paxlovid as a curative treatment against the covid 19, whose first deliveries are expected in France in a few days.

Following the advice of the National Medicines Agency, the HAS "authorizes early access to the PAXLOVIVV (NIRMATRELVIR/RITONAVIR)) treatment of the PFIZER laboratory for adults with COVID-19 not requiring oxygen therapy and at high riskevolution towards a serious form of the disease ”.

It is a treatment above all intended for risky populations (very old, immunocompromised people, suffering from certain rare diseases...)).This pill is administered orally for five days, and must be taken as soon as possible after the positive diagnosis at COVVI-19.

08h11 Washington Suspends 44 Flights to China

Washington announced Friday that it has suspended 44 flights of United States passengers to China due to health restrictions linked to the COVVI-19 imposed by Beijing on American airlines.

China maintains a very strict control regarding entry into its territory including the cancellation of flights if the number of cases aboard an airplane is too large.

8 am a "corona barometer" in Belgium

Belgium has acquired a new tool, called "Corona barometer", which will make the anti-Cavid measures develop for culture and cafes-restaurants according to the more or less strong pressure of the pandemic on thehospital system. Le «baromètre», auquel est associé un code couleur, entrera en vigueur le 28 janvier, selon un accord entre tous les exécutifs du pays (fédéral et entités fédérées)), a annoncé vendredi soir le Premier ministre Alexander De Croo.

Its color will then be at the "red", with a high level of restrictions because the daily admission to the hospital are currently greater than 150, in full wave of the variant omicron. À terme la diminution de cette charge hospitalière (en lits classiques et en unités de soins intensifs)) pourrait mener à un assouplissement (couleur «orange»)), voire à une levée totale des restrictions («jaune»)).It is "a forecast tool" which will allow the authorities to act with "more predictability and transparency", argued the Prime Minister.

The government had to reverse at the end of December on additional restrictions deemed unnecessary and unjustified by the cultural world, which had accused it of favoring the catering sector.

6:40 am confinement of the Samoa and Kiribati Islands hitherto spared

The Pacific islands Kiribati and Samoa, so far spared by the Covid-19 epidemic, have been confined since Saturday after the appearance of cases imported by travelers arriving from abroad.Since the start of the pandemic and until this month, the Kiribati archipelago had not recorded any case of coronavirus and the samoa only two, according to the OMS.

00h59 The Rio de Janeiro carnival parades postponed in April

The parades of the Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo carnival, scheduled for late February, were postponed to April due to the new wave of infections of COVID-19, said the authorities on Friday.

"The town halls of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo decided to postpone the parades of Samba schools" for the end of April, "due to the current situation of the pandemic in Brazil and the need to preserve lives", haveAnnounced in a statement the authorities of the two largest Brazilian cities.

(The essential))