Sexism: the Norway Handball team refuses to play in bikini, it is exposed to a sanction

Par Clément Capot

This Sunday, July 18, 2021, the Norwegian beach handball team did not carry the bikini, compulsory sports attire, in an official match.They are exposed to a sanction.

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It is a political gesture that could well cost them dearly.50 euros per player, to be very specific.Sunday, the Norwegian beach handball team faced Spain.To protest against the absurd regulations which impose the bikini as an official outfit, the players decided to swap the jersey for a simple shorts.This, in the hope of obtaining a revision of the regulation, because they find it degrading and really not practical.

The problem is that as long as this famous regulation is not revised, Norwegian players could be sanctioned with a fine.

A political match above all

This match they led against Spain, and which could have enabled them to win the bronze medal in the European beach handball championship in Varna in Bulgaria, they unfortunately lost it.But the most important thing was still to convey their message, which obtained the support of the Norwegian handball federation: "Of course we would take a possible fine at our expense.We are all on the same boat, "said Kare Geir Lio on Monday to AFP, its president.

Before these European championships took place, the team had actually asked the European Handball Federation to play in shorts.A question to which the federation answered in the negative, arguing that non-compliance with the regulation was liable to a fine.

An archaic and sexist rule

Sexisme : l'équipe de handball de Norvège refuse de jouer en bikini, elle s'expose à une sanction

For the moment, the European handball federation has not yet decided whether it would apply a sanction, or not.Taking into account the need for a change, she prefers to pass on the hot potato to the international federation: "The EHF (the European Federation) is committed to advancing this subject in the interest of its member federations, but it is advisable toSpecify that a change in rules can only occur at the IHF level (the International Federation), "said a spokesperson Andrew Barringer.

In the coming months, the Norwegian Federation will offer a motion to modify the regulations."The most important thing is to have equipment with which athletes are comfortable.This should be a free choice as part of standardized rules, "says Kare Geir Lio.

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