Visio sport via an Amiens website: a solution to "avoid pressure from the room and the eyes of others"

Lucien Coulombel, sports coach in Amiens, launched in July an application that brings together sports coaches, nutritionists, naturopaths, etc. where everyone can offer their services in Visio.A mutual aid based on a common clientele to facilitate access to these services to the curious.

It is 6:30 p.m., Denise is just home.The footsteps of the door barely passed, here she is leaving her clothes as a nursing assistant for a lighter outfit.The fiftieth anniversary lights its computer, goes to the Life Trainer website.A countdown tells him that he has 12 minutes left before having to light his camera for his session with Melvyn, his sports coach.In a few days, it was with Baptiste Dietitian-Nutritionist that she has an appointment.The Picardy is one of the 70 registrants of the Life Trainer platform launched in July by a Amiens sports coach, Lucien Coulombel.

Lucien hopes to offer thanks to his widest possible panel system of professionals and schedules for personalized or collective sessions to customers and make available to professionals a common customer base allowing them to reach people who are difficult to touch in time "or orBecause of the location "," either because they do not know this trades and therefore will not think about it ".

A system of credits rather than a subscription

Coaches, nutritionists, naturopaths, yoga teacher, physiotherapist are all the more interest in playing this game since the platform offers three different sources of potential income."Innovation is there. Besides the Visio, we are paid either by performing a service or by bringing a coach or a customer to the platform. And basically each time a customer I brought back performs a serviceEven if it is with a colleague I am partly paid. "

This is one of the points that decided Baptiste, dietitian, to join the platform."The little money we invest, we will compensate for it quickly. I am almost at the end of my contract with Doctolib with whom I operated so far and I plan to stop it. The video quality is also good, itis easy to use for patients and half of the consultation rate does not start in committee for the app unlike others. "

And when you ask Lucien if this system would not push some professionals to offer activities not necessarily useful to their patient to fill their pockets, the answer is clear: "There is no interest. If customers realizeWhether it doesn't suit them or they are taken for idiots, they will leave and everyone will suffer. "

Especially since the system does not rely on a subscription to be adjusted each month, slamming the door is easier.Because customers also have to find their account there.The Visio prevents them from resuming the car while the lack of subscription takes the pressure to go 4 times to the room, a detail that is not one.Indeed, each session costs a number of credits that are worth between 6 and 8 euros."For personalized courses, the professional can request two or three credits for example, so the prices can vary depending on what we want to do. But once the credits are purchased, we spend them when we want. If we go on vacationA month and we stop, well we don't pay anything, "adds Lucien.

A reassuring community for professionals

Le sport en visio via un site web amiénois : une solution pour

An idea, like many, nourished by the experience of coronavirus and the first confinement."My club Coach for Life was closed for several months. I have a friend, Melvyn who was at the Taquet on the Visio, he quickly set up an online ticket office and a good part of the customers started to spendBy him. Except that he was my employee. We discussed to avoid the conflict of interest so that he could work for him and for me. This is how Life Trainer was born, "explains Lucien."We have a little stolen the idea to influencers on Instagram, at least for the Sport in Visio," says Melvyn who uses his Facebook page to announce the collective courses he offers.

From now on, Life Trainer can be integrated by any professional from the moment he is declared, graduated and insured.A minute analysis is carried out by Lucien to verify their authenticity."It is also open to the sports halls. I also joined my club," he specifies. "The idea is really to create a national network of people who can recommend themselvesothers and that they have the possibility either to make a complement in their activity or their basic activity. "A reassuring incubator for beginner coaches."Having a community is not nothing when you get started. You don't necessarily have 30,000 euros to mount your box, get advertising," said Melvyn.

In any case, this solution has delighted Denise.Accustomed to the room, the latter had sympathized with one of the coaches, Melvyn."But he left him to follow his bienaimée in Grenoble. I wanted to find this contact. There was zoom during the first confinement, then he joined the project," she recalls.

"I live in the countryside, I am a caregiver with fairly anarchic hours, it avoids hitting the road before and after sport, we can wedge the session or attend a collective session when it suits us. It is.Pleasant to be able to do your sport, go to the shower and be directly comfortable, "she says.

Avoid pressure from the room and the eyes of others

Success is such that Denise even expanded her circle of professionals."I contacted Frédéric the yoga coach and Baptiste the dietitian."A CAP that she would not have "passed if we had to push doors"."We can say ourselves 'Damn he will put me on a scale, ask me to put me in underwear' it can be a huge source of stress. There, if you are uncomfortable in any courseYou can leave it instantly and for advice, just open your fridge to show food and you explain everything to you. In terms of sport, they see you well and can easily advise us. "

"The exchange is a little different. In the room, you can put a hand on a basin to straighten a sheathing. We had to adapt the vocabulary, develop different instructions with a more descriptive aspect. As a coach for it forcesTo develop this pedagogy is very enriching ", completes Melvyn just as convinced.

In addition to saving time and financial, the Visio is also a way to play sports by widening pressure from being judged.Denise who "seeks to speak to aging well" does not necessarily feel comfortable in the middle "of groups seeking more performance.""If you are not very comfortable with your body, that you are in a depressive condition, or someone very introverted, pass the doors of a gym and confront with others this n'is not easy at all, see impossible. What is great is that the site has kept the spirit of the room, with personalized follow-up and especially workshops always in small groups, "she explains.

"It can be a springboard to raise awareness of sports"

For the moment, 8 professionals are on the platform for around 70 registered.The goal is to arrive at a hundred professionals at the end of the year and around fifty customers each.For the moment, it was Lucien who has brought most of his network from his sports hall, coach for life, located in Amiens.The creator notably made available to his colleagues a YouTube video who presents the project so that they can send it "if they do not have time or the ability to present it by themselves".

A real work as a balancingist.For the project to take off, the two groups must increase in parallel."If we do not have enough customers, professionals will not be able to either make an additional income or their main activity. If we do not have enough professionals it is the customers who will get tired by not finding theTime slots that arrange them, "presents Lucien.

In any case, he can already count on a client.Seduced, Denise passed the word to a colleague who became a young mother."There is no constraint to have to move, pay a nanny or have to wait for your companion to come back to keep the little one.""And for those who do not have a health pass, there is no problem you can still play sports," adds Lucien Taquin."It may not be the miracle solution for everyone, but it is a good alternative especially for people who are afraid of reserving in the room, fear of mockery, it can be a springboard to raise awareness of thePractical, helping to gain confidence and perhaps even want to go to the gym, "concludes Melvyn.