Tested in Liévin.With "Stadium to Employment", recruitment days by sport

Par Amandine VachezPublié le
Actu Pas-de-Calais
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C’est une centaine de personnes habillées en tenue de sport qui se sont retrouvées, le matin du vendredi 22 octobre 2021 au stade couvert de Liévin (Pas-de-Calais) pour une session de recrutement pas comme les autres… Un job-dating par le sport, proposé par Pole emploi. Immersion au cœur du dispositif « stade vers l’emploi»».Testé à Liévin. Avec Testé à Liévin. Avec

In incognito mode

In the morning, 9:15 a.m., pole employment advisers, in white chasubles and sneakers, are on deck to welcome arrivals: each participant is integrated into a team.Upstairs, a buffet with what to have breakfast and bibs await us.

From the start of the morning, everyone knows that there are, within 10 teams of around 10 people: 4 journalists, job seekers and some business leaders (one or two per team).Anonymity will only be lifted after lunch.

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We get to know each other differently

Around coffee, people from the same teams exchange, get to know each other.In ours, Patricia and Laëticia animate the discussion.Reynald and Grégory participate here and there in the conversation.Others are more shy, like Nora.

Between two war cries of neighboring teams, the Pole Emploi advisor who accompanies us - Nicolas - asks questions to probe the group: "You could not live without what?"", Children, music, sea ..." If you could go anywhere in the world, without financial constraint, where would it be?", In the United States to see" this world where everything is bigger ", in Seychelles, or even in the southwest of France ... the exercise of getting to know each other without talking about what we do inLife continues.

Testé à Liévin. Avec

After the warm -up, achieved in joy and good humor, comes the time of the trials.The installations in the stadium challenge: "We are not going to do pole jump, anyway";"Are we going to have to run for a long time?"", Worries some.But it will be "very quiet", assure the supervisors.

With the athletics club

The members of the Liévin athletics club animate this morning.They welcome each group and explain the rules to them, supervise each test.A quiz will test the teamwork, a long jump will reveal the competitive side of this or that participant, a ball game and a running session will highlight team cohesion.We will see who appears as a leader, who encourages, who follows ...

After a last agility game, the teams debrief before going to lunch."I expected more challenge," says Patricia.Laëticia too: "In the end, it was not that difficult.»»

Together, we help each other, we encourage it, we laugh.We create links, quite simply.After the meal taken together, the veil is lifted and the more official exchanges between job seekers and business representatives can start.Always in sports clothes, in a friendly atmosphere.

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Know-how above all

For Grégory Castel, in our team, this experience was very enriching.We will not have guessed it, but it is one of the recruiters.Responsible for human resources for the Rush bee (delivery company), he appreciates this unconventional way of finding employees.

"This is not the first time that I have participated in recruitment sessions like this.I like what is outside the beaten track.With us, know-how is the most important. Nous cherchons à mettre l’humain au cœur de notre politique de recrutement»», argumente-t-il.From the first tests, he spotted profiles.

Steve, who participated in a session organized in Douai in September, found a job there."I was in the hairstyle.I wanted to do something else, but I hadn't thought of becoming a salesperson. Ce qu’on m’a proposé m’a plu et aujourd’hui j’aime beaucoup ce que je fais !»»

An effective device

As several recruiters have been able to testify on D -Day, this method is bearing fruit. « Il en ressort de très bon chiffres, du concret !»», insiste Philippe Lamblin, délégué aux emplois par la préfecture des Hauts-de-France, qui affiche son soutien à la démarche. « Casser les codes, ça fonctionne ! C’est l’avenir !»»

According to the results of Pole Emploi, out of a sample of 12 operations carried out in the region since 2019: out of the 1001 job seekers, 32.3 % found a job within one month after the event, 58,1 % within 6 months and 71 % in the year.

Encouraging data according to Pole Emploi, which has been able to find a balance over the course of."We limit the number of participants to a small hundred, with groups of 10 people maximum.It took time to put things in place, to run for. On cherche sans cesse à s’améliorer»», commente Frédéric Danel, directeur régional de Pole emploi.

In Liévin, it was the 3rd session.The system will in particular deploy around culture, with the Louvre-Lens. « Nous essayons de développer d’autres portes d’entrées, pour attirer des profils différents»», explique Frédéric Danel, qui croit beaucoup en cette nouvelle façon de faire se rencontrer chercheurs d’emplois et entreprises.

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