The not so stupid question: why does the Toulouse stadium play in red and black?

Par Fabien HisbacqPublié le
Actu Toulouse
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Ils jouent en rouge et noir et c’est une évidence depuis longtemps pour beaucoup de supporters du Stade Toulousain. Mais au fait, pourquoi en rouge et noir ? Explications.La question pas si bête : pourquoi le Stade Toulousain joue-t-il en rouge et noir ? La question pas si bête : pourquoi le Stade Toulousain joue-t-il en rouge et noir ?

Stendhal is for nothing.To understand why Toulouse players wear red and black, you just have to look at the story of Toulouse.In Capitoulat.From 1147 to 1789, the Capitouls administered Toulouse.But the dress of these "mayors" of the time was red and black.With a little white also you have to admit it.The choice of the Toulouse stadium would therefore refer to this strong local identity of the Capitouls.

Counts and priests

But the reasons to choose these colors are in fact multiple.Because in Toulouse, before the Capitouls, there were counts for centuries.Counts of Toulouse dressed in red.What about black?We stay in the pink city to find it.Among the priests of Saint-Sernin.All dressed in black.

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That would be enough to choose the colors of a club, but the story does not stop there.Because red and black were chosen by students. C’était à la fin du XIXe siècle et le Stade Toulousain n’existait pas encore.Students of the Fermat high school practiced an emerging rugby in the courtyard of their establishment or on the meadow of filters.Several clubs were born including the SOET (Olympian Sport of Toulouse students).There was also Toulouse athletic sport (SAT) and the Sports Union of the Veterinary School.The latter two will become the vet-sport.Who himself merges with spell to give the Olympian stadium Véto Sport Toulouseain.Before being shortened in Toulouse stadium in 1907.

The weight of the law

There was therefore a few years of floating before the Toulouse stadium became the club that we know.But already, students' time, red and black was in the spotlight.The students therefore wanted to pay tribute to the history of their city.But perhaps also something more present in their daily lives.Because the founding elements of the future Toulouse stadium studied law.Discipline in which red or black dresses have been anchored for centuries.A red time, the lawyer's dress went to black to distinguish itself from the magistrates who have kept their scarlet outfit.Both of them refer to clerical clothes anyway.

La question pas si bête : pourquoi le Stade Toulousain joue-t-il en rouge et noir ?

Let us add that the law teachers, at that time, combined red and black.In particular one of them, well known to rugby players since he was the first president of the Toulouse stadium in 1907: Ernest Wallon.The only portraits that remain of him, whether painted or drawn, all represent him in red and black, many years before the birth of the Toulouse stadium.

An official version that suits everyone

Philippe Kallenbrunn, independent journalist, former deputy editor -in -chief of Midi Olympique and author of several works on rugby has decided.The tribute to the Capitouls, an official thesis, "is the one that seems the most credible".She and in any case validated by Stade Toulousain and the city of Toulouse.But is there a written trace of this choice?"There is no scientific evidence," said the specialist.

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Without evidence, is there a place for doubt?"This is the version that has perpetuated through the ages.And then, the story is beautiful, as much to keep it like that, "laughs Philippe Kallenbrunn.

Toulon also plays in red and black ... thanks to Toulouse

And by the way ... The Racing Club of Toulon also plays in red and black.And they didn't have Capitouls.But there again the explanation is to be found in Toulouse."For our Var friends, there is less mystery," laughs Philippe Kallenbrunn.Less mystery?On the RC Toulon website we play the card of historical prudence rather."The origin of the colors of the Toulon Rugby Club remains uncertain," said the club.But "the most likely origin being that of the borrowing in the colors of the Toulouse stadium".

Why ?"When the rugby game arrived on the shores of the Mediterranean, the clubs hatch on the coast.In Toulon, the team trained with soldiers from all over France, including Toulouse.In 1908, a real birth certificate of the club, the Toulouse stadium sponsors the creation of the Toulon club.From this relationship follows the color of the Var jersey, ”explains the club.Who had the idea?"The diverge versions," notes RC Toulon, who specifies: "Some attribute it to a generous gesture of the Toulouse who would have offered a game of jerseys, others see the displayed will of the Toulon to pay tribute to theirgodfather.»»

Note to reconcile the amateurs of the two colors: the two red and black clubs will compete in a friendly match in Nîmes on August 27, 2021, a few days before the opening of the season.

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