The Pyromanian of Pointe-à-Pitre arrested and presented to the judges

After several months of investigation, the suspect was arrested by the police.A rather incredible scene since once identified, the individual was walking on the public highway in a work uniform marked "City of Pointe-à-Pitre".Held he had stolen from one of his misdeeds.In addition, he was in front of the agents, a knife in one hand and a dildo in the other.We will never know why ...

You will understand, the individual does not have all his mental faculties. 38 years old, he lives in the mangrove of Lauricisque, he leaves a few times to set fire to the facilities.Thus, it can be allocated at least 5 sets of claims in the sector.Fire of warehouses and municipal vehicles, containers for waste in April, then in May, a technical room and a garage belonging to the town hall.In August, Rebelote, with the fire of the municipal garage.Then at the end of September, more serious, hydrochloric acid tanks not far from the Syvade, the firefighters had to intervene in a special combination.

The damage is substantial, more than € 330,000 in public parts, who left for smoke.At the helm, it is impossible to hear the defendant, he was in a total delirium, between two questions from the court, of gymnastics to keep fit.Already during the bare, he started to clean the judge's waiting room with his body, crawling everywhere on the ground.His treatment, he stopped it in 2019 and lives like a hermit not far from the Gabarre bridge.Obviously, the prosecutor said that the suspect was not accessible to a criminal sanction, the disorders and the abolition of discernment were therefore retained, with an office placement in a psychiatric establishment.

Le pyromane de Pointe-à-Pitre interpellé et présenté aux juges