"They come to think of something else but the Cavid scored them": report on the parquet floor of a dancing tea in La Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin

Musette and dancing teas, the timeless success

That afternoon, in La Chapelle-Saint-Mesmin, there are almost two hundred to have put themselves on their thirty-one.Ninety-five years old has the dean.Here it is precisely with its red bag of the Amicale de l'Orme-aux-Loups under the arm.It is to this accessory that we recognize the faithful of the first hour (fifteen years ago) already).True to the Association, faithful to dance, faithful in love: """"""""We knew each other at the ball and we did not let go,"""""""" confides the couple.

In the entrance hall, Claude swaps her relaxed outfit against a dressed vest;His suspenders will be hidden.Neat outfits exhibited.

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Je m'inscrisNL {""""""""path"""""""":""""""""mini-inscription"""""""",""""""""id"""""""":""""""""RC_Sante"""""""",""""""""accessCode"""""""":""""""""14045154"""""""",""""""""allowGCS"""""""":""""""""true"""""""",""""""""bodyClass"""""""":""""""""ripo_generic"""""""",""""""""contextLevel"""""""":""""""""KEEP_ALL"""""""",""""""""filterMotsCles"""""""":""""""""6|10|12|97|17097"""""""",""""""""gabarit"""""""":""""""""generic"""""""",""""""""hasEssentiel"""""""":""""""""true"""""""",""""""""idArticle"""""""":""""""""4045154"""""""",""""""""idArticlesList"""""""":""""""""4045154"""""""",""""""""idDepartement"""""""":""""""""264"""""""",""""""""idZone"""""""":""""""""21964"""""""",""""""""motsCles"""""""":""""""""6|10|12|97|17097"""""""",""""""""premium"""""""":""""""""true"""""""",""""""""pubs"""""""":""""""""banniere_haute|article"""""""",""""""""site"""""""":""""""""RC"""""""",""""""""sousDomaine"""""""":""""""""www"""""""",""""""""urlTitle"""""""":""""""""ils-viennent-pour-penser-a-autre-chose-mais-le-covid-les-a-marques-reportage-sur-le-parquet-d-un-the-dansant-a-la-chapelle-saint-mesmin""""""""}

""""""""We got bored, we isolated ourselves""""""""

While Bernadette, the president of the association, remains at the entrance to control the health pass, compulsory, her husband distributes gel and masks.A mask that the vast majority, - nothing forces them to wear it - makes the choice to fall.An unseat ball, to """"""""freely dance"""""""".

For eighteen long months, everyone lived as a great heartbreak to be deprived of their dancing tea.""""""""We got bored.We isolated ourselves, """"""""summarizes Annick.Hélène, a septuagenarian ready to make more than a hundred kilometers for her weekly meeting, adds:

""""""""It was no longer life.We have stunted like a water without water.The virus ?We don't think about it when we are there.90 % of people dance as a couple.The others know each other well.We are like a family.""""""""

Hélène, tout de rouge vêtu,prédit un avenir bien noir en cas de reprise de l’épidémie et de nouvel arrêt des activités : """"""""S’ils nous enlèvent ça, la moitié des personnes âgées vont mourir !"""""""" La passionnée insiste :

""""""""Dance is getting beautiful, it's to please, it's moving, it's reliving.We will strive out without it.""""""""

Un """"""""retour à la vie"""""""" dont Didier parle aussi. """"""""J’habite seul et mes enfants ne sont pas sur place.Coming here is to find a contact.""""""""The covid has been there, the kisses have disappeared, human warmth has remained.

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— Yvette Myers Sat Jan 16 20:47:48 +0000 2021

An eco-sale for autonomous seniors in project in Varennes-Changy

""""""""It's worth a gym lesson!""""""""

The prosecution is not full.

""""""""Plus besoin d’aspirine, je les donne à ma voisine"""""""", chante l’orchestre de Sébastien Perrin.At the reception, we inquire about the health of the absent.One thing is certain, the presents are in good shape. """"""""Ils se plaignent toute la semaine, mais n’ont plus mal nulle part une fois ici"""""""", plaisante Annie. """"""""It's worth a gym lesson!"""""""", lance Annick.

It is not Jean-Luc who will say the opposite.Eight hours a week, he dances with his partner. Une partenaire """"""""rencontrée au bal il y a soixante ans"""""""", annonce-t-il, fier. """"""""La danse rapproche le couple"""""""" : conseil d’expert.

Solo tango

Waltz, rumba, paso doble ... on the track, it does not stop.There is even solo tango, an online dance that gives women without a rider to wiggle.

Ruffle dresses never stop turning.Bernadette observes them from afar;She is not there to dance. """"""""Moi, j’aime organiser.I eat at noon at my musicians. Et je surveille, à la sortie des toilettes, que les dames n’ont pas la jupe dans le collant"""""""", sourit la présidente, l’air bienveillant.

The latter notes:

""""""""Part of the clientele did not come back in September, after the stop related to the covid, either because it is afraid, or because it is not vaccinated.""""""""

Mais dans ceux qui sont revenus, """"""""beaucoup ont déjà reçu leur troisième dose ou ont au moins leur rendez-vous"""""""".

At the last time of the waltz, everyone really smiles.When 20 hours ring, the heels, on the prosecution, worked, and the virus, heads, for a moment, flew off.

Possibility to book with the Amicale de l'Orme-aux-Loups at 12 €.Compulsory health pass.

Blandine Lamorisse