A forum and open doors to meet associations

“After two difficult years for our associations, we absolutely wanted to maintain this meeting. We therefore had to be inventive and adapt to health measures, ”confirms Anthony GUGLIELMI, Assistant for Associative Life.

This year, therefore, equipped with their health pass, everyone will be able to come and meet the 70 associations present to discover the many cultural, sports, solidarity and leisure activities they offer. However, no initiation to the program to comply with health rules. To remedy this constraint, the City invited the associations to organize open doors the following week, from September 6 to 12. "Twenty of them accepted to offer time to discover their activity: dance, yoga, kayaking, choral singing...".

The list of associations present at the Forum and initiations can be consulted below, as well as from the Espace Camille Flammarion. Remember to book!

Un forum et des portes ouvertes pour rencontrer les associations

> Initiation program

> Read the Free Time Guide (directory of associations, etc.)