What is the RIC, a citizen initiative referendum, so popular among "yellow vests"?

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RIC ! Les "gilets jaunes" réclament un Référendum d'initiative citoyenne qui permettrait au peuple d'être à l'initiative de la loi. Derrière cette revendication, la méfiance envers une classe politique jugée coupée des réalités et le désir d'être mieux représenté. Décryptage...Qu'est-ce que le RIC, Référendum d'initiative citoyenne, si populaire chez les Qu'est-ce que le RIC, Référendum d'initiative citoyenne, si populaire chez les

Four types of referendum

The RIC covers four types of referendum.In a video viewed since Tuesday, December 11 by nearly 900,000 Internet users, the "yellow vests" detail them:

Rising demand for the movement of "yellow vests", the referendum of citizen or popular initiative, also defended by several political parties in various forms, aims to facilitate the consultation of the people, without associating the Parliament upstream.Saturday, December 15, in front of the Garnier Opera in Paris, representatives of "yellow vests" claimed such a device in order to "return the people its sovereign role".

While several demonstrators brandished RIC signs, they would repeat a request made Thursday in front of the Paume game room in Versailles, the high place of the Revolution of 1789.For the demonstrators of this movement, first focused essentially on purchasing power, it is a question of "modifying the constitution in order to introduce the RIC in all matters", which would allow in particular to "give the peoplethe right to write or repeal a law on the subject he chooses ".Or even revoke elected officials and even the president, while the "Macron resignation" still rumped up everywhere in France on Saturday.

700,000 signatures

In a list of claims broadcast at the end of November, "yellow vests" requested that a bill obtaining 700,000 signatures - on a website under the control of an independent organization - leads to a national referendum within one year, after a passage for possible amendment to the National Assembly, the Parliament not being asked upstream.

It takes "a fifth of the members of the Parliament"

In addition to referendums at the initiative of the Executive or Parliament, the 2008 constitutional reform under the five -year term of Nicolas Sarkozy has already registered the possibility, under strict conditions, of "shared initiative referendums".To organize these referendums, it takes "a fifth of the members of the Parliament, supported by a tenth of the voters registered on the electoral lists", that is at least 185 deputies and senators and more than 4.5 million voters.Difficult to implement, this procedure has never been used.

As in Switzerland or Italy

Several presidential candidates, from RN to LFI, wanted to establish real popular initiative referendums, such as in Switzerland or Italy, but not Emmanuel Macron.Last July, at the start of the examination at the assembly of the constitutional revision project, all opposition groups had sought, in vain, to make the shared initiative referendums easier by lowering the required thresholds orallow a popular initiative referendum.

It involves making the floor to the people!

"The referendum of popular initiative (or referendum of citizen initiative) claimed for years by the RN is an essential tool of a good democratic functioning! Unlocking our democracy, it goes by making the floor to the people!"Tweeted Saturday Marine Le Pen.During the campaign, its program provided for such a referendum on the proposal of at least 500,000 voters.The leader of France rebellious Jean-Luc Mélenchon also reaffirmed his support for such a system this week in the Assembly, judging that "the presidential monarchy has done its time".

Favorable to extend the citizen referendum

Such a referendum must make it possible to "repeal a law, to propose one, and the right to revoke an elected official, whatever it is, from the President of the Republic to the municipal councilor", he argued.The LR Julien Aubert posted a constitutional bill in early December to allow a real "popular initiative referendum", while at UDI, we also say favorable to extend the citizen referendum, even via the compulsory referralof Parliament on subjects by electronic petitions.

On Saturday, MP Modem Isabelle Florennes assured LCI that the parliamentarians of her group had "always been favorable" to the citizen initiative referendum, but on the condition that it is "framed" and "backed by a strong parliament",Adding that "revocation is not one of the possibilities" because it is "unconstitutional".

"Democracy and citizenship"

The examination of the constitutional revision project will not resume before March 2019, at the end of the major local debate of three months decided against the movement of "yellow vests".The executive thus wishes to leave the door open to additions or modifications, one of the four themes relating to "democracy and citizenship".But he is not sure that he wishes to expand the use of the referendum.Emmanuel Macron, "I think his Bonapartist culture will not push him to do this," said a centrist deputy this week.

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Qu'est-ce que le RIC, Référendum d'initiative citoyenne, si populaire chez les

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Charly 7931Il y a 3 annéesLe 27/12/2018 à 10:59

without "s" at the end.

Charly 7931Il y a 3 annéesLe 20/12/2018 à 20:13

Nevertheless Mélenchon in the assembly this afternoon, it was something...I just hope that he did not go into the figures on the reimbursement deadlines for banks, 7 years according to him, 20 according to others from Larem, 10 heard on TV.We cannot prove it wrong, unless we do politics.If he could be like that in the city...In any case, 9% of voting intention for Zeuropéennes...He misguises.

DievouchkaIl y a 3 annéesLe 21/12/2018 à 21:22

JLM, yes which speaker...But alas in front of a quasi-desert assembly...This RIC is only a draft, the final version will result from the contributions of the participants;Afterwards, Ben, the citizens would put what they would deem important to put it, respecting the frame then determined...who knows within a 6th...(Restoration of the ISF P.ex.?) But let's already wait to see the conception that power will have...Personally, I am not for the revocation (elected officials, of the president), on the other hand, I would find supposed that power also initiates referendums so that the people take part in decisions still pending and possibly sources of conflict...For the European elections, I share the advice of Yannick Jadot...(the interview dates a little): if we participate in such a vote, this is not to settle some account nationally speaking but because we are targeting projects concerning the whole union: EELV would be an option tome, or who knows...GJs!https: // www.release.FR/FRANCE/2018/06/24/YANNICK-JADOT-MON-SUJE-CE-N-ET-PAS-HAMON-L-EUROPE-MERITE-ON-SE-BATTE-POUR-LIE_1661594 and then there, IHave thought of you, the other is also beautiful, even very touching: https: // www.midilibre.FR/2018/11/17/TABRANCH-TA-TELE-ET-ET-ET-TON-GILET-LE-CLIP-DUN-GILET-JAUNE-CARTONNE-SUR-Internet, 5556138.Phponnes end of year celebrations!

Charly 7931Il y a 3 annéesLe 23/12/2018 à 09:37

That said, the 2 projects proposed that day, one by the PC, the other by LFI, I did not understand the interest: one wanted the rejection of the bill on emergency measures toTake for the current emergency, and LFI wanted a return to committee on the same subject.Of course Mélenchon has explained everything well, and also played the prophets, but I said to myself, let this urgent law pass, does not in any way increase the rest.It is not the PC or LFI that will tell people what is good or not, they have what people do, they have a language people and now use it.The vote: 22 votes "for" the motion of rejection and 17votes "for" the return to committee for each time more than 200 votes expressed.And yes, the assembly was almost empty, but the presents vote for the absent.The holidays are for me a non -event, but I wish you what you want, it's not a concern.

Charly 7931Il y a 3 annéesLe 23/12/2018 à 11:10

As for the ISF, if the people decide not to let go and make it a prerequisite, it will come back.Personally, I would agree for a forfeiture of nationality for fugitives, rich as they are, they would not be stateless."France we love it or we leave it".And if we like him we pay his taxes.Of course, I was for the forfeiture of nationality.As for foreign investors, they do not invest in us, but for them.The jobs they create are ejecting seats.

Charly 7931Il y a 3 annéesLe 23/12/2018 à 11:38

Ha, your return makes me win a symbolic bet, someone told me that I will no longer hear from you because I was norrible.I told her she was planning herself.It's tiring to always be right, in this case, I regret it.

Charly 7931Il y a 3 annéesLe 23/12/2018 à 18:55

About I enrich myself in my contact, I have never had this ambition with you, the impossible no one is held and then I think I did the job anyway, enrich someone, c'is like makeup, it should not be seen.Beware, I answer the coms without worrying about who writes them, if you target me, it will not be easy for you...For the time being, it's insignificant, but it's like a fly that turns you around, after a while...

DievouchkaIl y a 3 annéesLe 24/12/2018 à 00:24

A bet on my return?But I never left ML, I commented less, that yes (...) Here, on this article, I brought answers to your questions, and on another, I reacted to 'certain' tirades: the teachers also teach respect for others, not the opposite, right?A lapalissade, I know and yet...I did not follow the whole show, slt JLM's speech...So thank you for the details on the votes that took place that day.Ah that, tax expatriation/ tax exile, is it a big problem, reintroducing the solidarity tax on wealth, (currently replaced by that on real estate fortune)?...It is still too early to have reliable statistics on the effect reached since its deletion.A reintroduction could reduce these phenomena, and to the shortfall is added that of the added value tax...A fiscal harmonization in the EU, I do not know what place will come back to this question in the programs of the different parties for the Europeans, in any case, it is important...Otherwise, you know like me that a person of French strain cannot be fallen from their nationality...I renew my wishes, presents them to all readers, without forgetting the moderators!Peace in all hearts, that's my wish!:-)

Charly 7931Il y a 3 annéesLe 24/12/2018 à 02:51

Mdr, enrich the minds of people, I did my profession in part, super well paid in addition, then, your opinion...But that's good, you occupy the space, awkwardly, but I greet the effort.

Charly 7931Il y a 3 annéesLe 24/12/2018 à 19:37

And yes, the forfeiture of nationality does not exist, but it could, a signature, a stamp and off we go...I barely caricature...As for my tirades they are calibrated, do not worry, they do not come out of nowhere.React to them, in positive or negative, my faith, have fun, I will not answer in situ, but I do not recommend.

DievouchkaIl y a 3 annéesLe 27/12/2018 à 01:01

Unnecessary threats, Charly, and then "then, your opinion..": I started from my own experience but hey to everyone.For you: https: // youtu.BE/OP07UZSCU4CBON End of year to you and to yours!

Charly 7931Il y a 3 annéesLe 27/12/2018 à 09:10

If not recommended is a threat, things have changed, but having found that bad faith is your best weapon, I be over, even if indeed the idea of "who rubs it" is very real andAs it did not succeed, I remind you.From grace, don't want anything, no links either, time is over, I really don't interest me.I leave this forum in favorites, a few days, then I would delete it.

Charly 7931Il y a 3 annéesLe 27/12/2018 à 17:16

And then no, I close the link right away.

Charly 7931Il y a 3 annéesLe 20/12/2018 à 13:48

Ruffin tells us things as if we did not already know them, I know, I am a bad example, but there are more and more of them to be bad examples.

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