Why is the start of the school year scheduled for a Thursday?

A beginning of the school year... at the end of the week. For the greatest "pleasure" of French students, this start of the 2021 school year will indeed take place on a Thursday. The Ministry of National Education has clearly indicated this for the more than 12 million pupils from kindergarten to high school in mainland France, the return to school benches will take place on Thursday, September 2. Teachers will be held for a pre-entry day the day before, Wednesday 1st September.

The first two days of classes, before the weekend... Chance of the calendar? Not really. The government had to both comply with the demands of the teachers' unions, but also with the law. In 2014 and 2015 already, National Education had to deal with a schedule that was tumultuous to say the least. First 7 years ago, Benoît Hamon, then Minister of Education, announced the postponement of the start of the school year for teachers from Friday August 29 to Monday September 1, 2014 under the threat of a strike notice filed by the National Union. secondary education.

The following year, Najat Vallaut-Belkacem, in turn Minister of Education, had in turn initiated discussions with the social partners regarding the start date. Many teacher unions had strongly opposed "a resumption of classes in August". Still, in 2020, the pre-entry of teachers took place on Monday August 31, for a return to school organized on Tuesday September 1. Difficult to reproduce this pattern this year and for good reason: September 1st falls on a Wednesday, a day when many students have only partial lessons.

At least 36 weeks of lessons

Why is back to school scheduled for a Thursday?

The date of this 2021 school year is subject to the law, which strictly regulates the calendar and the holding of courses in France. Article L. 521-1 of the Education Code stipulates among other things that "the school year comprises at least thirty-six weeks divided into five work periods, of comparable duration, separated by four periods of class vacation" .

Taking this legal framework into account, the launch of "long holidays" cannot be too late. Result: the start of the 2021 school year takes place on September 2, which falls on a Thursday. The next summer break should begin on Thursday July 7, 2022 in the evening.